StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

TroUblEd n frUstraTeD

sTepH wOndered wads Actually hAppEniiNg to me...

everytiink seemed to b iin a mEss 4 stePh...

her work esp...

beiing pusHed here n there...

w/o giifiing stePh a bReathiiNg spAce @ all...

stEph 4 2009...

was terriibly exhausted n Worn oUt...

nw she onLii teach the 4 yrs oLd iiN the AfternOon...

But moRniiNG n certaiin tiimes of the dae...

she niids to teach n helP the fOrm teacher of the 5 yrs old...

stePh woNdered...

diid the sch reallii meant wad they sae???

or r they juz hoaxiing StePh...

when they saiid dat stePh has pOtentiials iin her work...


iin tiime to come...

@ tiis rate dat StePh iis woRkiing...

ii wiill breakdoWn sOoner iif not ltr...

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