StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

JiiE jiiE n StEpH @ tHe bOwliiNg alLeY

TiiS was The 2nd atteMpT stePh triies @ boWliinG...

Tiis tIime rouNd...

ThE resUlT noT tOo bAd...

AboVe r the piics mUm tOoK oF me n JiiE jiiE duriiNg oUr plaY...


Monday, March 30, 2009

StePh's nEw mP3; PDA n Hp PouChEs

TheSe r the 3 pOucHeS whiiCh sTePh hv boUght ytd bEsiiDeS mY nEw mUg...

coZ ii C the desiiGn n ColoUrs attractiiVe...

So sTePh boUgHt thEm alL @ a Go...

EacH coStiiNg $15.90...

mY daD whEn pAyiiNg thE $$$ sae dat ii m CrazY...

LoLx... =p

mY nEw bLAcK cOlOuReD mUg

TiiS iiS the nEw mUg whiICh sTePh bouGht yTd whiilE oUt shoppIing wiiF mY famiilY @ mAriNa SquAre...

stePh iis a Great driiNker...

so whereeva ii Go...

ii Sure wiiLl bRiing alOng a jug oF H20 bY mY siiDe...

cOnvEniiEnt 4 me to refiiLl iiNto my mUg...


SounDs exagGerAtiiNg bUt tRue... ")

DriiNk mOre water...

clEanseS n DetoXiiFy oUr boDy wastes EasiiLy n QuiiCklY...

YvO's 21sT b DaE giiFt

CaN U GuEsS waD iiS iinSiiDe the bOx???

dA- Dah!!!
IitS tiis broWn cOlouRed mUg whiich sayS 'CoFfEe, ChocOlaTe & mEn... AlL bEtTeR rIicH...'
Ii bOughT tiiS mUg eSp 4 YvO...
Coz tiis gal seldOm driiNk waTer...
So ii HopE dat bY buYiinG heR tiiS mUg...
sHe wiiLl hV a bEta moTiivatIioN to dRiinK moRe water rather den soFt drIinks...
c hoW ur ah sEah sO gd to U...
Muz chEriish tiis mUg n oUr fRiieNdsHiiP woRz...

StEpH's BlUe- BlaCk

Tiis BruiiSe waS aLl ThanKs to mY mAiid- SenLy...
cOz ii AsKed hEr to AccOmpAnY mE to bUy mAgazIine...
Den she dUn waN 2...
sO sHe iiNsiiSteD nOt goIing n started to pUll Me bAcK hM...
thanK god iits slIigHtLy faDiiNg oFf oReadii...
Thus can't c muCh iin Tiis piiC...

Ah mA n MumMy OuTsiiDe GeyLanG eAsT liiBraRy

4 Got taKen duRiiNg whEn oReadii...
But iiTs reallIi RealLii a Long tIimE agO oReadii...
MummY n Ah ma bOth dun wan to enter the liibrary...
B coz dat TiiMe mUmMY was sIick...
sO shE n aH ma sat ard the neiighboUrhOod voiid- decK whIile waiitiiNg 4 us to FiinIisH bOrrOwiiNg oUr bKs...
we wiiLl gO to The liiBrary alMosT eVerY sUn...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

GettiiNg ReadY 2 siiNg 'HappY b DaE'

Tiis was the b Dae ceLebRatiiOn 4 mE n JiiE jiiE...
sO the mOmEnt the iice- crEam cakE waS takEn OuT fRom The freeZer...
GoR goR bEgan lIigHtiiNg the canDles whiilE jOhn poSed as the pHotograPhEr 4 uS...
When evEryTiink was dOne...
We all CroWdEd toGeTher n StartEd siiNgiiNg 'HappIi B dAe' loudlY iiN uniiSiioN bOth iiN EnG n ChiinEsE...
Reallii GreatfUl to Them 4 celEbratiiNg mY B dae wiiF mE evEry yR... ")
ThanK U!!!

My 1/2 EatEn cHocO tAg

Tiis iis the tag plAced on mY b Dae caKe...

iiTs whiiTe chOco coAted...

My fave...


Sad to Sae...

DunnOe hU biiTe oFf mY nAme awAe...


sO uGlY...



As fRom The piiCs u cAn c...

EvEry 1 was haviiNG a hArd TiimE cUttiiNg the cakE...

B cOz iiTs icE cReam cAkE...

Thus as iits hardeNed...

We had nO choIice but to lEt iit mElt a liiTtlE...


1, 2, 3, 4 sMiiLe

AfTer DiiNnEr fRom The clUb...

we wEnt back hm 4 the cakE cUttIing cEleBratiiOn...


iiTs a dOubLe cEleBratiiOn 4 jiiE jiiE n mE...

We r bOth bOrN iiN the Mth of mArcH...


tHus we boTh sat doWn toGether...

BloW the canDles togEhter...

N cuT the cakE toGeTher...

evEry year osO the saMe...

We 2 wiiLl celebraTe toGether...

Hee... ")

DrY iiCe fAcE

Tiis was draWn By the 2 bros...

JoHn n Joel...


The drY iice was placed oN the tabLe...

N after the bDae celebratiiOn...

aUntiiE shAren tooK the drY iice awae...

N the 2 bRos started drawiiNg fuNnii FacEs oN the tabLE...


ThE effEct was fUnnIi buT niice... ")

ToAd @ UnClE Li'S miiNii PlaNtaTiiOn

Tiis iis the toaD ii saw @ unclE lI's miinii Veggiie plantatiioN late One niiTe when ii was oUt briiSk walkIiNg wiiF daddY...
Iits been a loNg tiiMe siiNCe ii lasst saw a toad eva siince mY grandmA's hsE wEnt 4 a majoR renO...
Thus ii Took tiiS chAnce TO caPtuRe tiis amPhiiBiiaN...
weLl partlY ii Was boRed @ dat tiime...

DiinnEr @ the CluB oN 14/03/2009

Tiis piIC was Taken bY mUmmY toGetHer Wiif AunTiie shAreN on The dae when they came to celebrate mY 21sT b Dae...
mUmmY jUz LuRves TakiiNG pIicS every Nw n Den oF every oF oUr famiiLy mEmbErs...
So Far tiis Ii can coNsiiDer As the niiCest...
As mOSt of thE piiCs she toOk so far were quiiTe bLurrEd...

Tiis Piic was Taken bY joHnAThan iiF ii m NoT wrOng...

cOz DadDy wanna learn how to use the camera from hiis hp to tk piics...

Thus he triied gettiing us To Teach HiiM...


As sTepH iiSn't a LG holDer...

So ii coulDn't heLp Hiim mUch...

Iin the end the oNlii 1 to HElp Dad was John...

As he carrIied the samE hP as Dad...


Monday, March 23, 2009

ThE b DaE giiFt ii BouGhT 4 MysElf

Tiis iis the tee ii bOught togetHer wiiF yVo @ QueenSwAy ShoppIing ctr the other tiime when we went to get the tee 4 sU zhEn's b Dae giiFt...
Berii Briite iin ColoUr...
So dats y stePh dared noT wear iit oUt...
PartlY was b coz of the name n number @ the back of the Tee...
2 obviiOUs 4 ppL to nOe mY name oreadii...
so ii Juz treat iit as a casual Wear @ mY hse duriing slpiiNG tiime...
Quiite wasted thOugh...
But iiTs okIi... ")

NikKi aS a BiiRd

Nikki was doiing her dramatiIsAtiiOn oNCe agaiiN...

Tiis tiimE roUnd she's a beautiifUl biiRd...


She iis bErii PrOacTIive iiN clAz...

Owaes the 1st to rUsh to the frOnt to shOw her claz hEr niiCe oUtfiiT...


PreTtY iiSn't shE???

A pHonEIix...

Ii suPpoSe... ")

Thursday, March 19, 2009

DoC. AllY cHoO

Hu iiS tiis LiiTtlE doC hEre???

Well She iiS nOne oTher dEn mY pReciiOus cOusiiN alLy Choo...


ShE nw has A nEw sEt of doC kiiT's bOughT bY hEr mUmmY...

sHe lOoks beRii StuDiiOus iiN iiT riiTe???


So CuTe!!! ")

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WheN dRy iiCe mIixeD wiiF sOaP

The drY iiCe camE toGethEr wiiF the iiCe cream B dAe cakE...

sO joEl n JohN wenT to the drY kiITchEN basiiN to TrY oUt an expEriiMeNt to C wad iiT wiiLl hAppEn whEn haNd liiQuiiD sOap wAs mIixEd toGethEr...

tHus tHe oVer FloWiiNG oF bUbblEs waS the ouTcOme...

The bUbblEs coNtiiNuEd to FloW oUt evEn aftEr waTer Was PoUred OVer To iiT...

IntEresTiinG... ")

StePh's piiMplEd 4HeaD

Tiis iis wad happens 2 stePh wheneva ii m seRiiOusLy iiLl...
So latelY stePh had a Berii Bad cOugh...
Thus aLl The bReakOuts...
HuGe n aLl cRammEd Up tOgEthEr...
Berii PaiiNfUl lORz...
tHe pUs jUZ cOuldn't cOme oUt...

Monday, March 16, 2009

My TakA pResEnt fRom JiiE jiIE

Tiis was the pResenT ii Got iit fRom jiiE jiiE last sat...

Iit was a heart shaped necklace...

BErii siimPle n Niice...

Suiits mE well 4 ii lYke siimpliiciity...

Thanks Jiie!!!

HopE she lYkes hEr pResenT ii Giif hEr too... ")

My SwEnsOn's IcE cReAm CakE

Tiis iis StePh's 21st bdae cake bought by aLvin n JiiE jiie...
thEy camE to Our hse oN sat niite after our diinner @ the swiimmiing cluB...
Iits an ice cream cake...
But berii hard to cut...
More pIics to coMe...
Stay Tuned... ")