TiiS was The 2nd atteMpT stePh triies @ boWliinG...
Tiis tIime rouNd...
ThE resUlT noT tOo bAd...
AboVe r the piics mUm tOoK oF me n JiiE jiiE duriiNg oUr plaY...
A Gal LiiviinG onLii iin Her oWn World... W/o wAntiiNg To SociiAliiSe Wiif AnyOne... UnlEss NEceSsAry... Not Ez To CommUnIcAtE UnlEss tHeY R wiilliiNg To SpEnd TiimE n B pAtiiEnt 2 noE Her BEtA!!!
TiiS iiS the nEw mUg whiICh sTePh bouGht yTd whiilE oUt shoppIing wiiF mY famiilY @ mAriNa SquAre...
stePh iis a Great driiNker...
so whereeva ii Go...
ii Sure wiiLl bRiing alOng a jug oF H20 bY mY siiDe...
cOnvEniiEnt 4 me to refiiLl iiNto my mUg...
SounDs exagGerAtiiNg bUt tRue... ")
DriiNk mOre water...
clEanseS n DetoXiiFy oUr boDy wastes EasiiLy n QuiiCklY...
AfTer DiiNnEr fRom The clUb...
we wEnt back hm 4 the cakE cUttIing cEleBratiiOn...
iiTs a dOubLe cEleBratiiOn 4 jiiE jiiE n mE...
We r bOth bOrN iiN the Mth of mArcH...
tHus we boTh sat doWn toGether...
BloW the canDles togEhter...
N cuT the cakE toGeTher...
evEry year osO the saMe...
We 2 wiiLl celebraTe toGether...
Hee... ")
Tiis Piic was Taken bY joHnAThan iiF ii m NoT wrOng...
cOz DadDy wanna learn how to use the camera from hiis hp to tk piics...
Thus he triied gettiing us To Teach HiiM...
As sTepH iiSn't a LG holDer...
So ii coulDn't heLp Hiim mUch...
Iin the end the oNlii 1 to HElp Dad was John...
As he carrIied the samE hP as Dad...