StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

ButTerFly eArRiiNgS

lAsT Frii StePh weNt to gOldhEarT jEweLleRy n boughT a paiiR of bUttErflY eaRriiNgs 4 $74.00...
ActuAllY was suPpoSed to miit my bestiie YvO out 4 diinner n shOppIing...
hOweva the gal suDdEnly sms-ed me to sae dat the miitiing got to b cancelled b coz she got smTh on...
So no ChoiiCe gOt to re- arrAnGe anoTher dae..
aFter chattiiNG wiif Eric 4 nEarlY an hR...
BasiiCallY tOkiiNG boUt the coUrse whiich stePh woUlD b gOiinG 2 StuDy...
iI mOveD oN to the next shop...
PeachEs n hErbs...
There ii bOught a bOttlE of MoschinO fUnnY pErfUmE 4 $101.25...
stePh cOuld Only fiiNd iiT iin tiis stall...
pRevIioUsLy ii WenT to SASA n EnquiiRe...
HowEva the sales gal sae they do Not carry tiis partiicular seriies...
n tHanK GoD ii mAnaGed to fiinD iiT @ pEachEs n HeRbs...
aFter aLl mY sAtiiSfiiEd puRchAseS...
n StePh pRodDed bAcK hM hAppiiLy... ")

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