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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ah mA @ thE NeiiGhbOurhOod TemPle oN CNY

ThEsE pIic wEre taKeN dUriiNG CNY whEN thEy WenT to thE nEarbY temPle @ mY hSe...
My gRandmA iis a Berii PioUs fOlloWer of ThE bUddHisT cUltuRe...
THus shE wiiLl oWaes gO to The temPle 4 pRayIing sessIioNs WheneVa shE iiS FreE...
uPloAdEd qUiiTe lAte Coz OwAeS 4GottEn BoUT iit...
aFter bAii BAii @ the teMplE wiiF mUmmY...
We wenT to bAii nIian @ oUr reLatiiVeS' hSe...

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