StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, March 2, 2009

FiiSh EgG a.k.a cAviAr

AbOve iis a diiSh oF fiisH eGg cOokEd bY mY mAiiD- SenLy...
sHe FounD tiiS iiN 1 oF the fiiSh bOugHt hM bY mY dadDy...
Thus when she foUnd Tiis egg iinsiiDe the fiish'S sTomAch...
She deciided to steam iit fOr diiNner...
HowevA as oUr whOle famiiLy dUnnOe hOw to eat...
sO she AloNe eats everyTiinK up...
But juz b4 she devoUrs iIt...
StePh tooK the pIic of the egg coz ii had nOt seEn suCh biIg egg b4...
IinTerestiiNg bUt abIit yUcKy...

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