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Sunday, March 1, 2009

StEpH n DaDdY @ PiZzA HuT mAriNa SqUaRe

Tiis iis wad happens when a persoN iis Bored whiile waiitiing 4 the food to arrive...
we were @ mArina sQuare pIzza Hut waiiting 4 oUr fooD...
sO sTepH deciiDed to tK piICs...
Ii asked sEnlY to tk 4 me n daddY n tiis iis the candiid of the both of us...
StePh triiEd to poSe nIicely 4 the camEra whiiLe daddY sEemEd diisTracTed n was @ a Daze looKiiNg elsewhere...
So ii asked senlY to tk a 2nd pIic...

sO nw tiis iis oUr 2nd piic 2gether...
tiis tiime roUnd...
StePh diiD the cOuntiiNG...
'1, 2 n 3'...
@ the same tiime askiing daddY to lOoK @ the camera...
sO the oUtcOmE iis Tiis...
StePh smIilEd so CheerIiLy WhEreas daddY...
Though was lOokIinG @ the camera...
But noT smiilIing lYke mE... >.<

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