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Thursday, March 26, 2009

GettiiNg ReadY 2 siiNg 'HappY b DaE'

Tiis was the b Dae ceLebRatiiOn 4 mE n JiiE jiiE...
sO the mOmEnt the iice- crEam cakE waS takEn OuT fRom The freeZer...
GoR goR bEgan lIigHtiiNg the canDles whiilE jOhn poSed as the pHotograPhEr 4 uS...
When evEryTiink was dOne...
We all CroWdEd toGeTher n StartEd siiNgiiNg 'HappIi B dAe' loudlY iiN uniiSiioN bOth iiN EnG n ChiinEsE...
Reallii GreatfUl to Them 4 celEbratiiNg mY B dae wiiF mE evEry yR... ")
ThanK U!!!

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