StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sam'S 26th B daE giiFt

Tiis iis sTeph bOught 4 sAm'S 26th bDae pResEnt fROm GolDhEarT jEwellEry...
2dae after goiing to MummY's fRenz hse...
We wenT to PArkWay 2 fiiNd eRic n BouGht tiiS giiFt 4 her...
Iit costs $169.00 after ReasOnabLe dIisCoUnt giiven bY erIc...
Iits made of rosE n WhiitE goLd...

After the sales gal had wrapPed Up...
Tiis iis hoW loVelY iit looKs...
Berii pResenTablE to giif to jiie jiie...
as StePh iis owaes a berii slOppY gal...
Thus eRic askEd hiis cOlleaguE to HeLp mE wraP uP niicEly...
So mEtiicUloUs of hIim...
Thanks alot 4 owaes helpiing n showiing me niiCe jewelleriiEs... ")

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