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Sunday, March 1, 2009

ThE wAe My FamIilY EaTs ThEiiR fOoD whEn thEy R bErii HunGrY

Can U c Hu Has The ToughEsT tiiMe slIiciiNg The ThIin cRiiSp piiZa???

WeLl The anS iis NonE dEn mY ah mA...


She hAd the mOst diiFfIicUlt tiimE cuTtIing hEr piizzA iiN 2 smAllEr piiScEs...

BuT @ the sAme tiiME sHE iiS enJoYiiNG hErsElf to hEr spArkLiinG mAnGo JuiiCe...

StePh mAde the wrOng Order...

Shld hV oRdered a pAn piiza iinsTead...


But On The Other hAnd...

SenlY wAs the QuiiCkesT amOng us...

N shE fiiniiShed all HEr piiZzaS b4 uS...

Thus shE goT the tiiMe 2 SmiiLe so pRettIilY 2 The camErA n @ the sAme TiiMe hElpIing sTePh tK pIicS...


y dUn hV sTepH iin The pIiC???

wEll Dats SiiMplY b coZ...

DaddY iiS hElPIinG mE slIiCe...


So SweEt n Niice oF hiiM... ")


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