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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WheN dRy iiCe mIixeD wiiF sOaP

The drY iiCe camE toGethEr wiiF the iiCe cream B dAe cakE...

sO joEl n JohN wenT to the drY kiITchEN basiiN to TrY oUt an expEriiMeNt to C wad iiT wiiLl hAppEn whEn haNd liiQuiiD sOap wAs mIixEd toGethEr...

tHus tHe oVer FloWiiNG oF bUbblEs waS the ouTcOme...

The bUbblEs coNtiiNuEd to FloW oUt evEn aftEr waTer Was PoUred OVer To iiT...

IntEresTiinG... ")

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