StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, March 7, 2009


ThesE were The shOrts whiiCh sTepH bOughT @ OP ReceNtLy...

sUppOsedLy 2 b cOnsiiDered as a roUtiined cOr oUt...

Coz pReviious wk mSg-Ed lEna asKiiNG hEr when she free to miiT...

bUt shE diiD nOt rePly...

unTiiL tUes sHe rePliiEd & sAe 2 mIit oN wEd...

Thus AfTer wOrk...

we sTrOllEd aRd ParkWay searChiiNg 4 her sliinged bag...

wHiilE ii WenT to OP n boUght anOther 2 pAiiRs oF shoRts...

dEn ii WenT 2 GoldhEart jEwelleRy 2 c earriiNgs 4 mYsElf n saW a PaiiR of bUttErfLy shAped eaRriiNgs...

Lena oSo tIink iiT was NiicE n so Eric reserved them 4 me tiill ii come oN a lTr date...

Told mYseLF dat No mAttEr hoW bRokE ii m Tiis TiiMe RouND...

iI mUz Oso sQuEeZe tHe $$$ to get iit aSaP...

iI dun wAn 2 regRet lYke lAst tiiMe...

uNabLe to Get mY hEart shApEd rOse n WhiiTe gOld plAtEd bRacelEt... ")

All the oUtlets whiich Eric had helped Me askEd Had OSo bEeN sOld AwaE...

ThUs aFtEr GolDhEaRt...

We WenT to M)pHosIS...

BuT lEna sTiiLl cAn'T fiiNd a bag to her liikiings fRom There...

So We wEnt tO iSeTan...

tHere ii Saw a PurpLE cOloUred bag foR $25.00 n a metalliiC grey bag 4 $62.00...

bOth weRe oN pRomOs...

sO stePh iimmEdiiAtEly mAde a mEntal noTe oF theiir PriiCes...

N wiill pop bY the next dae 2 buy them...
after exiitiing fRom Isetan...
We passEd bY BossinI n saw anoTher gOld colouRed baG 4 $43.00...
Tiis tiime roUnd stePh cOnFiiRmEd gOnna cOugh Out blOod fRom such spendiings...
TruLy a brat ii m ii muz admiit...
dEn we weNt to PuRpUr & there lena Saw a baG to her liikiing...
fIinallY After steh had sEen sO manY oF her fave bags...
@ PuRpUr ii saw a SuNdress qUiite siiMiilAr 2 the 1 ii last BoughT @ 77th streeT...
Juz dAt the cuTiinG n deSiigN wAs a bIit diIFf...
Was temPted tO Buy...
Iit coSts $39.90...
But bAgs More IimPoRtanT nw...
cOz @ leAst ii can kiiP changiing bags every mth...
whEreas sTepH oWaes wears 'Shaws' teE 2 woRk...
So iin A wae iiTs of nO uSe 2 sTeph evEn after ii BouGht iit...
After cOnsiiDeriiNG 4 SomE tiiMe...
lEna dEciiDed 2 bRowSe RounD a Few moRe shOps b4 coMiinG to HEr fiiNal DeciiSiIon...
So We WeNt to St. LouiS n there she saW aNother bAg whiiCh shE liikEs mUch mOre den the 1 @ PurPuR...
buT @ the sAme tiiMe the pRiice was quiIte sTeeP tOo...
Iits a ConVertabLe bAg...
mEanIing dat iiT can b cHAnged to eIither slIing...
Back pAck or sliiDe iit on ThE sHoulders...
sEeiiNg dat she coUldn't mAke up Her mIind...
sTePh pUlleD hEr oUt oF the shOp n wenT to MaC 4 diinNer...
@ the same tiime diiscussiing on whIich iis More aPproPrIiate 4 her...
The fiiNal cOnclusiiOn...
She wiiLl dEciIDe on MoN...
The nExt mIit uP whIiCh we gOnnA hv...
Tiis TiiMe RoUnd iis my b'Dae CelEbRatIioN... ")

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