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Thursday, March 26, 2009

DiinnEr @ the CluB oN 14/03/2009

Tiis piIC was Taken bY mUmmY toGetHer Wiif AunTiie shAreN on The dae when they came to celebrate mY 21sT b Dae...
mUmmY jUz LuRves TakiiNG pIicS every Nw n Den oF every oF oUr famiiLy mEmbErs...
So Far tiis Ii can coNsiiDer As the niiCest...
As mOSt of thE piiCs she toOk so far were quiiTe bLurrEd...

Tiis Piic was Taken bY joHnAThan iiF ii m NoT wrOng...

cOz DadDy wanna learn how to use the camera from hiis hp to tk piics...

Thus he triied gettiing us To Teach HiiM...


As sTepH iiSn't a LG holDer...

So ii coulDn't heLp Hiim mUch...

Iin the end the oNlii 1 to HElp Dad was John...

As he carrIied the samE hP as Dad...


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