Tiis bRacelet was bOught bY aH ma lIm @ GoldhEart jEwellEry fRom eriC...
Ii boUght tiis loNg tiimE ago...
TiinK was Ard valEntinE's Day...
sTePh hAd wanTed to tk anOther desiiGn of bRacelet...
But too bad eric saiid dat iit had been sold awae...
So nO chOiice ii Got to Tk tiis...
But stiill iit os looKs nIice...
though not manii ppl tiink iits real...
They tiink dat iit looks quiite chiildiish On mE...
but iits 18k whiite gold oKii...
ThaNk u ah Ma... ")
tiis eariinG whiich stePh woRe on mY 2nd n 3Rd Ear Holes waS bOuGHt bY mY mUmmY 2dAe...
Oso boUgHt fRom goLdhEart jEwellEry...
StePh was attRacTed By iits unIiQueNesS bY hOw they desiiGned iiT...
Iit was oNe earriiNg oN iiTs own...
Yet iit caN b woRn oNlii wiiF 2 eaR hOles...
As they r cOnnEctEd toGether...
agAiin iiT cOstS MumMy onLii $288.00 4 tiis...
N iiT Has oNlii 1 iin CertaiiN gOldhEart shOps...
So lUckY 4 stePh to b ablE to get tiis 1 n oNlii desIign @ pArkWay oUtlet...
But mUmmy diiD nOt iiNTend to bUy tiis 4 stepH @ fiirst...
coZ shE saiid dat the diiamOnds on iiT r too small to b seen...
Howeva stepH was pErsiistant oN bUyiinG iit...
So no choiicE mummY fiinAllY gave iiN to StePh's Plea...
ThanK u muMmY... ")
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