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Saturday, March 7, 2009

My BaGs

Tiis Was BoUght fRom IsEtaN...

Pan BellE...

MadE iiN hOnG KonG buT iiTs a SinGapOre bRaNd...

iiT iiS mEtalliic gRey iiN coLouR n wAd attRacTed mE mOsT aRe the cRownS esP. desiIGneD oN the SuRfAce...

Iit cOst $62.00 aFtEr a 50% diiScoUnt...

TiIs WaS bOughT @ BossInI 4 $43.00...

iIts shIiNy sUrfAce aTtRacted sTePh...

wHen caRrY iiT oUt...

CoNFiIRm wiiLl AttRact aTtEntIiOn fRom lOAds oF ppL...

SaiiD mOSt of My fRenZ afTer tHey hAd SeeN iiT...


tIis pUrPle bAg wAs oSo bOughT @ iSeTan n Was Much chEapEr den The oNE fRom pAn bEllE...

iiTs Oso oN pRoMo oFfEr cOsTiiNg OnlIi $25.00...

ii SuppOsE dat thE quAliiTy mAy Not bE as Gd As the 1sT 1...


FaNaTiiC sTePh...

ThUS bY ThE tIime ii hAd fIiniiShEd bUyIing them all...

mY hanDs Were gOnnA bReaK sOoN..

They r sO hEavY...

SeeIing dat iit was stiiLl 2 EarLy to gO bAck Hm...

N @ the samE tiiMe ii Niid to Fiind a PlAce to rest my hAnds...

Ii went to the newly oPenEd StylE hAiR sTudIo n tolD Vincent dat ii Wanna dO treatmeNt 4 my hAiir...

Iin the end fRoM a 40 miins treatmEnt...

Iit turNed ouT 2 aLmOst aN hR...

ReasOn siimplY b coZ hE kiipS playiinG a fOol 2 mY haiiR!!!

After the treatmEnt Steph's haiir had the smOoTh touch onCe aGaiiN... ")

ThoUgH thRoughoUt thE whOlE hr...

stEpH sat there crappiing wiiF GaviN n VinCenT...

But stiiLl @ leAst ii gOt 2 admiiT daT they r QuiiTe gOoD enTertaiinErs despiitE theY kiiP crappiiNg aBouT...


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