A Gal LiiviinG onLii iin Her oWn World... W/o wAntiiNg To SociiAliiSe Wiif AnyOne... UnlEss NEceSsAry... Not Ez To CommUnIcAtE UnlEss tHeY R wiilliiNg To SpEnd TiimE n B pAtiiEnt 2 noE Her BEtA!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
StEaMbOaT @ rOXy sqUaRe
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
AviiD ShOpPeR
LasT SuN wenT mAriNA sQuAre 4 LuNCh wiiF oNlii mY dAd...
coz mUm Was SiiCk...
So She can't tag alOng...
Ah Ma FoLlOwEd SuiiT n StayEd @ Hm toGether wiiF hEr as WeLl As The mAiiD...
we hv changed a new maiid named SupRatI...
N mUm Tk Tiis OpPoRtUniiTy to Teach HEr n guiide her regardiiNG oUr hse rUles...
tHuS after Our Lunch...
stePh N Dad went tO shop ard...
heRe n There...
UntiiL whEn We reached ClUb Marc...
StePh stoPped to tk a look at theiir long dresses...
n fanciied 2 of them...
1 of them was the One UploAdeD aBove...
whiile the other 1 ii niid to upload iit perhaps tml...
coz iit had been sent 4 washiing...
fIinAllY At least ii managed to fiind 2 of the lOng dresses quiite mUch ResembLance to the bOhO stYlE whiiCh ii m CuRrEntlY mEsMeriiSed deEpLy wiiF...
Last but not least...
Thank dad 4 usiing hiis crediIt Card to PAy 4 mY 2 dreSsEs despiite hIis FrequEnt nAgGiiNgS dat ii KiIp SpEndiiNg $$$$ buYiiNg CloTheS... ")
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
AbOvE R some Of the PiiCs whIicH ii HAd TakEn oF AllY ChOo yTd whiilE ii Was At Ah MA hSe waiITiiNg 4 YvO'S mSg TO Miit...
LateLy She iIS BErIi Gd Iin PosiiNg...
Here r sOme OF her 经典 pOSeS...
She was taUght by hEr mum...
Look How hAppIi sHe Was PosiiNG 4 the camera...
ObliiViioUs to Her sURrOunDiiNGs...
juz eNjoYiiNG the mOmeNtS...
sO cUte... ")
WiiF YvOnNe
BoHeMiaN sTyLeD sKiiRts
LaTeLy StEpH iiS bErIi mUcH iNtO ThE BoHo StYlEd sKiiRts ALl ThANkS to tHe IinFlUEncE oF sOme oF mY EnGliiSh tEacHers iiN My CuRrEnT ScH...
Monday, August 17, 2009
ViiSiiTaTiiOn To KatOnG SwiiMmiiNg CoMpLeX
ii wiill owaes go to katong swiimmiing coMpLex to fIinD all My Ex- ChiiLdRen...
Tiis iis the onlii tiime where ii can get to c them up CloSe esP wIiF mY goD sOn...
thUS stRaiight after my work...
ii wiill rush down to the swiimmiing pool to b wiif them wvwn iif iits juz onlii half an hr left...
Once they had fiiniished theiir swiimmiing claz...
ii went to parKway Isetan MangO to shoP 4 my workiinG oUtfiITs...
There ii bOught 2 skiirts...
n a paiir of trousers...
Of coz dats not all...
steph oso reserved another skiirt aS welL as tOp tO b Paiid tmL...
Coz laately stePh has thrown awae lots of T- shIirts coZ they were oreadii worn tiill holes can b seeN...
sO tiis iis the best tiime 4 me to start BuyIing iiN nEw CloThes...
DatS alL 4 mY BloGgIinG nW...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I- PoD ToUcH
TiiS I- PoD tOucH bElOngS 2 StePh...
Iit was Bought quiite long ago le...
Ard 4 mths BAcK????
nW den UplOAd coz those tiimes were quiite bz...
Though iits juz oNlIi 8 Gb...
Ii shlD hv Bought a BiiGgEr GiiGg...
Siince iit was daddy hu buys 4 me...
bUt nO mAtter wad ii stiill hv to Thank daddY...
LurVe hiim lOAds...
But aniiwae...
stiill ii manged to save mOSt of mY fave soNgs excEpt mY Korean soNgs...
coz ii got Those songs frOm TecK cHiAt...
N he oNlii HAs eng n chii soNgs...
Wadeva iit iis...
Ii m stiiLl berii thankful 4 hiis help...
oWaeS hV to DiistuRb hIim 2 D/l More nIIce sONgs 4 ME...
Thanks bRo...
U r sucH a great hElp to ME tiis cOm IidOiit... =p
HaNd- mAdE RiiBoN bY yVo
Tiis RiiBbOn was mAde bY yVo...
sHE boUght the materiials n started makiing iit...
so as wad she sae...
Iits 1 oF a Kiind...
She iis a pRo iin MAkiiNg D.I.Y stuffs...
gO hEr hse can c her hand- made tiingy...
she iis oso a great learner...
she enjoys bAKiing n coOkiiNg nEw fooD...
All oF them dat she diid were berii lovely n uNiiQue...
SiiMpLE yEt sPecIiAl...
Hu Eva mArriiEs her iiN fUtuRe wiiLl FeeL bErii BlEsSed...
Coz she iis Much StrOnGer Den ME iiN everYtiiNK...
Dats y We can MAkE sUck A gReat PAiir.... ")
HeArT ShApEd By YvO
Saturday, August 15, 2009
MOS bURgEr miiLK TeA n CaM- WhoRiiNg sEsSiiOn
MaNgO ShOp ArD
OrChaRd IoN
Thursday, August 13, 2009
HaPpii B dAe 2 AnGeLa
2Dae iis My nEw cOllEagUE AngEla'S bDae...
sO mY OthEr cOllEague bOught a pAndan cake 4 her to celebrate from Bengawan Solo...
She was so surpriised...
n thanked everyOne oF us...
Ii jUZ came 2 nOe of her bdae tiis MorniiNG when ii Entered the sch...
Happii B dae to U AnGiiE oNcE agaiiN... ")