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Saturday, August 22, 2009

WiiF YvOnNe

Ytd ii miit YvO @ OrcHArd IoN oNce More...

My New fOund Hang Ard Place...

BesiiDes ParkWaY...

MariNa SquAre...

SunTec cItY...
ViVo CiTy N

KallAng LeiSuRe pArK...


All ThanKs To YvO...

Ii m So iinTo BacHman'S JapAneSe RestAuraNt...

TheiiR hOt N sPicY RamEn SoUp iiS siiMpLy YuMmY...

Ii mIit Her @ the taxIi stand at 6.30 pm...

sO 3.15 pm after ii ended work ii went straiight to mY grandma's hse to rest...

watch a liittlE of Tv...

Play wiif My cOusiiN AllY...

sO hAppened dat her mum was siick...

thus she diin go to her grandma's hse...

B4 ii Started gettiing ready to set off to miit YvO...

She has started work as part tiimer wiif a constructiiOn CoMpaNy @ bOonLay...

daTs y we HV to miIT so lAte...


we went 4 diinner fiirst b4 our shoppiing starts...

Den oF coz the plAce where ii wiill defiiniitelY nIid to go Iis MANGO!!!

ii went there to purchase all the clothes whiich ii fanciied dat could not b found aniimOre @ mAnGo ISetAn- ParKwAy PArade...

At thE sAMe TiiME bEsiiDes GettiiNg miiNE...

Ii OsO goT a TrIibal stYlEd tOp 4 YvO...

As ii TiiNk dat bUyiiNg 4 hEr OCcAsiIoNallY Iis A NiiD...

B cOZ she Owaes giIF iiN to mE As To Wad to Eat N WhErE tO MiiT Up...

As well As pAssiiNG mE sTuffs cOnstantlY...

whiich 4 tHese factS...

Ii m Reallii ThankFuL n AppRecIiAtiIVe tO Her...

we bOth went to trY the top...

n iin the end onlii she got iit...

coz iit looks gd on her...

whiile on the other hand...

the mOmENt ii Wore iIT...

Ii lOok sO mUch Lyke a Wet MarKEt PlAcE aUntiiE...

So UgLy...


By the TiiME we stePpEd oUt fRom MAngO...

ii Was carRYiiNg BiiG N SmAll BagS oN mY 2 HAnds...


sO 变态。。。

buT yEt aT The sAme TiiMe So SaTiiSfaCtOrY... ")

BeSiiDes GoIiNG to MangO...

we oSO weNt tO ZaRa...

hOWevA iiT wAs YvO Hu boUght a PAnts...

Not mE...

Ii hAd ActuAllY wanted to PurcHAsE 2 Diiff TypEs of GrEy cOlOuRed BooTs...

OnE flat;

The Other Hiigh heeled desIigns...

bUt desPiite trYiiNg on sevaral TiiMes...
Ii Look N C...
lEfT n RiiTe...
FrOnt N BAcK...
sTiiLl they DuN seemed to Look niiCe oN mY Feet...
Not fated...
Dats wAd ii HAd dedUcted...
tHus ii DiiN Buy eventUallY...
wIill SoUrce ard at other shops next tiime round...
We went back hm @ ard 9 plus...
coz we diialled a cab...

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