StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AviiD ShOpPeR

LasT SuN wenT mAriNA sQuAre 4 LuNCh wiiF oNlii mY dAd...

coz mUm Was SiiCk...

So She can't tag alOng...

Ah Ma FoLlOwEd SuiiT n StayEd @ Hm toGether wiiF hEr as WeLl As The mAiiD...

we hv changed a new maiid named SupRatI...

N mUm Tk Tiis OpPoRtUniiTy to Teach HEr n guiide her regardiiNG oUr hse rUles...

tHuS after Our Lunch...

stePh N Dad went tO shop ard...




heRe n There...

UntiiL whEn We reached ClUb Marc...

StePh stoPped to tk a look at theiir long dresses...

n fanciied 2 of them...

1 of them was the One UploAdeD aBove...

whiile the other 1 ii niid to upload iit perhaps tml...

coz iit had been sent 4 washiing...


fIinAllY At least ii managed to fiind 2 of the lOng dresses quiite mUch ResembLance to the bOhO stYlE whiiCh ii m CuRrEntlY mEsMeriiSed deEpLy wiiF...


Last but not least...

Thank dad 4 usiing hiis crediIt Card to PAy 4 mY 2 dreSsEs despiite hIis FrequEnt nAgGiiNgS dat ii KiIp SpEndiiNg $$$$ buYiiNg CloTheS... ")

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