Ii hv a 101 qnS ruNniinG thru my miind riite nw...
But so Far ii OnlIi hV two Most aNnOyEd qNs iiN mY mIind...
The rest of the qns r Stiill Quiite mIinoR...
Tk yTd foR exampLe...
One oF mY cOllEaguE Told me dat ii m Not allOweD to teLl aNii Of mY PArEnts Dat ii m lEavIing the sch...
ii waS lYke...
y lehz???
How coMe cannoT????
Reallii was spEechless @ dat tiime when she sae...
'Iits UnpRofEssIioNal to tell PArents dat u r leaviing...'
But uPoN tiinKiing bOut iit...
Wun iit b even muCh mOre uNpRoFesSiiOnal when ii Dun eVen BothEr to tell them dat ii m leavIing???
Wadeva lahz...
ii dun wanna care le...
cAn aniiOne tell mE iif Tiis iis reallIi suCh a case???
ii was reallii BafflEd bY iit...
anIiwaE ii oSo Dun Bother...
Ii do TiinKs my oWn wAe...
2nD tiiNk:
Y iis iit dat oWaes when ii spEak To a gUy...
iiT wiill defiiniiteLy b viiewed as a perceptiiOn dat ii m fliirtiing lEhz???
Y wheneva ii speak to a guy...
everytiinK would b lYke ii m iin a wroNg...
n dat iits nOt a good tiink...
Howeva oN the contary when ii m speakiing to a lady...
Nth hAppened...
No crtiiciisMs...
No stariiNGs from oThers...
iis iit dat ii m too overly concernEd By wad ppl would tiink oF me...
Or iis iit reallii true dat ppl diisliiked me to chat wiif Guys???
Iis iit reallii an OffencE 4 me???
iif dats reallii the case...
den y bother aSkiing me to sociialiise mOre wiif GuYs...
Ii mIight as well juz lIive iin mY own world n rot awae...
Really dun understand How hUman braiins work...
Shld reallii go back n contiinue mY studiies iin CounsellIing pSychoLogY oNce More... >.<
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