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Sunday, August 9, 2009

LEt'S cElebRatE SinGApOre!!!

HappY 44th B dae to U SingapORe!!!

Once aGaIin On 9th August...

Iits a natiiOnal cElebratiIoN 4 everYonE of Us lIiviiNG hEre...

MulTii CulTuraLs...

Diiff RelIigiIonS...

We all StiiLl Come foRward toGether On tiis DaE tO celebrate...

We all Wiish For Peace n ProspEriiTy...

N here StePh oSo wiiSh SingapORe to coNtIinUE to StrIive n acHiiEvE even BEta ResUltS...

~wAtcHiiNg NDP 2009 nW~

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