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Monday, August 17, 2009

ViiSiiTaTiiOn To KatOnG SwiiMmiiNg CoMpLeX

Eva siince ii left Shaws...

ii wiill owaes go to katong swiimmiing coMpLex to fIinD all My Ex- ChiiLdRen...

Tiis iis the onlii tiime where ii can get to c them up CloSe esP wIiF mY goD sOn...

thUS stRaiight after my work...

ii wiill rush down to the swiimmiing pool to b wiif them wvwn iif iits juz onlii half an hr left...

Once they had fiiniished theiir swiimmiing claz...

ii went to parKway Isetan MangO to shoP 4 my workiinG oUtfiITs...

There ii bOught 2 skiirts...

n a paiir of trousers...

Of coz dats not all...

steph oso reserved another skiirt aS welL as tOp tO b Paiid tmL...


Coz laately stePh has thrown awae lots of T- shIirts coZ they were oreadii worn tiill holes can b seeN...

sO tiis iis the best tiime 4 me to start BuyIing iiN nEw CloThes...


DatS alL 4 mY BloGgIinG nW...

~bRaTtY StePh GoEs sLeEpIiNg~

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