HEre r sOme oF the reasOns Y ii Dun Lyke to Stay @ hm oR b Anii Where cLoser to My PArenTs:
1) They Nag alot...
2) They oWaes wanS mE to do TiinKs whIich ii Dun Lyke To do...
3) Ii can't watch my Fave tv Programs iin pEace coz mY mUm oWaes wanna snatch the liiviing room tv wiif me despiite haviing another 2 more Iin the hse...
4) My every moves wiill b mOniiTored n tiis makes me feel so lack of freedOm!!!
5) Ii cAnnOt do tiiNks My Own Ways @ hm coz mY dad wiiLl oWaEs sae tiis N daT...
6) Ii CannOt hV a sIinGle quiiEt nIIte @ hm coz iiTs oWaes noiisY frOm The RattLiiNg mY dad GIifs 2 My GraNdmA...
7) My grandmA hAs sliiGht dementiia n tiis caused her to Kiip askiINg mE repEated qnS whiich ii adMiit Can b Berii AnnOyiiNg...
Howeva nonthelEss ii wiill stiill try my best to spend suFfiiCiient quAliiTy Tiime wiiF mY famiiLy mEmBers DuriiNG the weekenDs wheneva PossiiBle...
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