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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Gaii Gaii @ ViVo CiTy

StePh'S DKNY BaG n iiTS LoGo...

YvO's Black DresS...


YvO's lOng pANts...


StePh's grey cOloUred sneakErs...


Ytd was my lasT dae @ shAws...

Was sad coz there's smth whiich ii stiill hv not done yet...


Mon miiTiinG mY god mUm sO ii sTiiLl hv another chance to do the tiinks whiich ii had wanted to do b4 all's reallii too late...

Although iit was my last dae...

but ii hv closiing to do...



But iits okii...

coz ii can spend mY last qualiity tiime wiif my chiildren...



after the last chiild went back @ 6.45 pm...

ii hurriiedlY took a cab down to VivO to fiind Yvonne...

As ii Hv taken mY salary...

so iits the best tiime 4 me to shop...

1st stop we went to PeddaR rEd...

There ii got a paiir of grey coloured cute sneakers From Elle 4 $130.00...

whiile yvo took a paiir FroM Keds 4 $70.00...

My Sneakers iis berii comfy to wear...

Iits soft cushiioned Soles r berii comfy 4 walkiing several hrs...

ii lYke the desiignEd coz iit looKs a liiTtle lYke boOtS...


Dats y ii boUght iit... ")

b4 we left for another shop...

yVo pas me a black dress n pants whiich had juz bought not too long ago ii suppoSe...


Iit was niice the dress...

THe pants was fashiiOnable...

suiits her beta actually...


But wadeva...

Thanks aniiwae...

Next stOp we went to Tangs...

N there stePh saw an orange DKNY tote bAg n bOught iit down 4 $169.00...

iiT was reallIi hUge n steph could use iit 4 my gym...


Howeva ii dun feel happii @ all whiich was quiite diiff from last tiimes...

Perhaps was b coz ii was quiite diisturbed by smth ii encoUntered iin sch whiich ii stiill could not let go...

Thru out last niite...

steph was berii mooDy...

Diin tok much wiif My yVonnE oso...

So sorriie gal... "(

But nOnetheless ii stiill Managed to fOllow YvO Ard Forever 21 n Mango...

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