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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SiiCk OnCe mOrE DesPiiTe haviIng 1 WeeK bReaK

ToT dat by haviing 1 week Break...
ii wun get siick aniimORe...
howeva sad to sae...
ii m siicK oNce mOrE...
Last niite after lunch frOm PAntech...
ii started feeliing cold the mOmenT ii entered offiicE...
Despiite the scorcHiiNg hOt suN oUtsiidE the oFfiice...
Ii toOk nO nOTiice of iit @ all tiinkiinG dat iit coUld b temPorariiLy...
Dat wasn't the case...
ii HAd hiigh fever n splIitiiNg headache by the tiime ii reached hm...
wAs so UncoMfOrtaBle all oVer...
Tiill nw thoUGh ii M iiN the oFfiiCe...
ii m stiill feeliing weak aLl oVer...
Hope dat my siicknEsS can gO awAe sOoOoOoN...
sO dat ii can attend my ex- cOllEagUEs PotLucK pArty cUm swIimMiiNg fiiEstA tiis ComIing sat...

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