StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

OrChaRd IoN

YtD AfTeR wOrK @ 3.30 Pm...

tOoK A cAb DoWn To YvO'S Hse fetCh HEr...

We were actually goiing to Pp...

Howeva iin the end coz of the raiin...

Yvo lazy walk out from her hse to tk bus 135...

so iin the end we changed Our shoppIing destiinatiion...

We went to OrchArd IoN iiNStead...

OnCe we Reached...

We went to BacHmAnN JapAnEsE ResTAuRanT N StArTed oRdErIiNG OuR RamEn...

StePh ORdEred HEr faVe Hot N sPiICy Ramen whereas YvO Ordered hEr cORn SouP Char SiiEw Ramen...

As 4 OuR SiiDe DiiShes As WeLl As DrIiNks...

We OrdEred A plAtE oF mAyO eBii...

mY BlUe CoRal SparkLiiNg Water...

YvO'S sTraWbErrY SpArkliiNG Water...

N a plAte oF spIicY BAbY OcToPuS...

Iit was YuMmY!!!

By The tIiME we fiiniishEd oUr mEal...

We Were oReadii Berii Full...

Wiif our tuMmY BulGiiNg oUt...
c OuR HappIi SmIilEs oN oUr FacEs...
U shLd Noe hOw enjoYiiNg We Were Lorz...


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