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Sunday, August 9, 2009

MediiCal ChEcKuP

Last frii ii went To the pAragOn for mY mEdiiCal checkUp together wiif YvO...

So cOiinciiDent Dat dae seemed to b a dae for mediical check ups...

Coz Even YvO'S mOm n Bro oso went...


Ii went there coz mY nEw sch...

EtOn HSe...

WaNted me to go 4 a check up fiirst b4 ii start work tiis comiing tues...

wHiich ConSiisTed oF a MiiNNiiaTure CheSt x-Ray...

BlOod n UriiNE Test...

sounded ScarY...

But iin Fact The WhoLE pRoceSs was Berii Fast...

Iit tooK mE Less den An HR 4 everYtiiNk...

the place was reallii so classy n elegant when we Got there...

But iit was HArd to fiiND the plAce...

Coz we niid to lOok carefUllY whiiCh Liifts to tk whiich can lead us to the riite cliiniic...

w/O YVo to accOmpAny...

Ii can reallY get lOSt...


the staffs were oso berii effiiciient wiif the proceediings...

HopefuLlY Ii can Get thru...

~MAy GOD BlEsS Me~

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