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Saturday, August 22, 2009


AbOvE R some Of the PiiCs whIicH ii HAd TakEn oF AllY ChOo yTd whiilE ii Was At Ah MA hSe waiITiiNg 4 YvO'S mSg TO Miit...

LateLy She iIS BErIi Gd Iin PosiiNg...

Here r sOme OF her 经典 pOSeS...

She was taUght by hEr mum...

Look How hAppIi sHe Was PosiiNG 4 the camera...

ObliiViioUs to Her sURrOunDiiNGs...

juz eNjoYiiNG the mOmeNtS...

sO cUte... ")

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