StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, August 9, 2009


DaddY'S nEw WatcH...
We pErsuaded Hiim to BuY...
TogetHer wiif the hoAxiiNg From the sales pErsOns Of fuRther diiscOunts...

MuMmY's nEw watcH after hEr recent Buy from Lin KonG @ PP...
IiNiiTiiAllY she had wanted to get 1 Oso frOm SolVus TiTus...
Howeva after 2nd BrowsIing...
She Saw tiiS desiiGn fRom CymA n Lurved iiT berii Much...
So she changed iiT...

StePh's lAteSt cOllEctiIOns To My watcH GallEry StoRed @ Hm...
ThoUGh Both pArents oF miine hAd tolD mE nOT to Buy...
Howeva coz Iit reallIi lOoked UniiQue n FemiiNiiNE...
As stePh's watches r uSuallY bErii Huge...
So iii IinsiITed oN GettiiNG 1 too...

2DAe we went 4 LunCh @ MaRiNa SquAre oNce agaiin...
Our UsuAl FamiiLY gAthEriiNg ShoPpiiNG mAll...
After a quiick lUnch @ the foodcoURt Upstaiirs...
Mum sae dat she wanted to buy a watch encrusted wiith diiamoNds on iit...
Thus we went to 25 Hrs bUt diin fiind oNe she liikes...
untiill we EntEred CitY cHAin...
Den There she saw a watch she fanciied...
wIif mE taggiIng AloNG...
Of coz ii woUld Tk every OppOrTuNiity to Get oNe 4 My Own...
N trUE enuFf...
Ii saw One too...
My dad surpRiisiinGlY...
bOught oNe 4 HiimselF as well...
we were reallY surpRiised coz he seldoM wouLD wan to sPend $$$ unnecessaRiiLy On HiiMSelF...
AniiWae iit was a great deal 4 the 3 of us...
as We had got a watch we liiked 4 our OurselVes... ")

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