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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My MummY

StePh n her mUmmY do nOt share a berii close bond together siince sec sch...

steph's mummy has hiigh hopes on steph's studiies...

but sad to sae steph duriing sec sch tiime...

has no iinterest iin studyiing @ all...

thus steph's mummy nagged @ her almost everydae n tiis make steph berii fed up as well as frustrated...

though nw steph has gone to work...

n stopped studyiing 4 the moment...

but her mummy stiill contiinues her naggiing on other stuffs...

Wad stepH can do nw iis onLii to turn a deaf ear to her constant naggiings...

liisteniing to those dat r suiitable 4 heariing...

despiite all these...

steph's mummy stiill dotes her alot...

buyiing tiinks dat steph's lykes berii much whenever mum n daughter go shoppiing together...

nv The less...

StePh iis ThankfuL to HEr too...

Glad dat she Can TolErate StePh's nAstY teMper...

*HUGGiIEs 2 MuMmY!!!*

My MAtErNal GrAnDmA

Tiis LadY hEre iis mY anoTher ah ma...

sTepH n hEr cAn toK boUt aLmoSt aniiTiinK unDer thE suN...

n sHe wiill tell me lots of iinterestiing tiinks bout sTePh when ii was young...


everydae after steph's work or duriing her lunch hrs...

steph wiill defiiniitely maKe an attempt to walk oVer tO her hse eiither 4 luncH or diinner...

sTePh lurvEs chattiinG wiif ah ma coz she makes me feel berii comfortable n @ ease...


she wiill tell sTepH 2 diifferentiiate riite frOm wrOng...

wAd sTePh sHld do n shld nOt Do...

ii lurVe mY 2 ah ma lOaDs!!! ")

JiiE JiiE SaMaNtHA

Tiis iis Samantha...
She iis StePh's CousiiN siis...
StePh wiill OwaeS cOr hEr jIie Jiie...
Chiinese meanIing 4 siister...
sTePh iis an Onlii Chiild...
sO ii reallII lYke jiiE jiiE aloT...
Coz sHE noEs hOw 2 Tk care of StePh...
Iin the pasT when ii fiiRst started Priimary 1 @ Haig GirLs' School...
Jiie jiie wiill owaes ask me to siit down on The canteen bench whiile she ran off To buy Recess 4 me...
sHe wiill CarrY the boWl To me n c me fiiniish everytiink up...
B4 makiing sure dat ii hv entered mY class safely den she wiill go back Hm...
ii Oso rmb Once when ii wAs YouNg...
iin her attempt 2 make miilk 4 me...
she scalded her hand wiif the hot water...
n iit was a berii red scald...
she criied but stiill contiinued makiing the miilk 4 stEph...
nW jiie jiie iis oreadii 25 yrs old n oso has a bf...
sTePh oso seldom c her...
juz occasiion smses...
But stiill shE iis sTePh's bEst jiie jiie Eva!!! ")

My BelOvEd pAtErnAl GrAndMa

The old lady above iis StepH's moSt bElovEd grandma...

Dun c dat she iis old...

However she iis stiill berii strong n healthy...

shE does not have anii major iillness...

Except 4 the occasiional reumatiism...

n sliight dementiia...

otherwiise everytiink boUt hEr iis absOutley well N fiiNE...

StePh's Grandma iis 86 yrs olD tiis yr...

The same aGe as MM of siinGapOre Mr. LEe Kuan Yew...


StePh iis berii GreatfUl 2 her 4 bRiingiing me uP siiNCe yOung whEneva mY pAreNts go Out 2 wOrk...

StePh hErEby hopEs dat Ah mA wiill Contiinue to lIive Tiill A RiipE olD age n wiish dat daddy can stOp scOldiinG her b cOz of Her AbseNt miiNDednEss...


Mr. M

StepH wouLd lYke to take tiis OppoRtuniity to siincerly thank u 4 those happii tiimes dat u hv giiven me...

Thou those tiimes we had spent together were berii short...

However duriing dat tiime steph was reallii happii n blessed to hv u by my siide...

u owaes giif iin to me...

owaes liistened to me...

owaes wiill try ur best to come n fiind me n accompany me after ur work or workout...

stePh noes dat u r tiired...

n wanted u to go back hm n rest...

but u juz wouldn't coz u wanted to spend more tiime wiif me...

makes steph felt reallii lucky to hv u by my siide...

steph wiill oWaes rmb the gd u had shown me...

steph wiill owaes cheriished n kiip iinsiide my heart the lurve u had showered me...

those tiimes n iinciidents we had been thru together...

stepH cOuld stiill rmb viiviidly tiill nw...

steph was reallii touched when u knelt down n put on the riing 4 me...

telliing steph dat u wiill owaes b wiif me no matter wad happens...

@ dat tiime stepH nearlY criied oUt...

the oNlii one tiime when sTepH loSt cOnnEctiiOns wiif u...

made stEph so WorriIEd dat u were iin soMe kIind of Miishap...

thank God dat fiinally u managed to cor back n comforted me...

made me @ dat poiint of tiime felt dat u were truly the 1 meant 4 sTepH...

iit was @ dat poiint of tiime dat made StePh felt dat ii onlii wan u n no 1 else to accomapny thru out the rest of my liife...

But stiill StePh noEs dat iiT wAs iimPossiiBle...

cOz stEph was fickled mIinded...

iin the end stEph stiill ChosE to giif u uP...

Iit was after mUch struGgle dat stEph maDe tiis deciisiion...

Thou @ dat poiint iit reallii paiined stepH to hv to part wiif u...

But stePh oso Noes dat iin Tiime to coMe...

we wiill not b able to b happii as b4...

StePh coUld onlii sae sorriie to u...

stePh coUld onLii feel apologetiic towards u 4 breakiing up wiif u...

jUz so Dat ii could contiiNue tiinKiing of the oTher guY hu had caused hurt iinsiide stePh's heart...

stEph was reallii bad...

but ii could onlii do tiis wae iin order to b faiir to u...

iiniitiially steph had reallii meant to b wiif u n 4get hiim...

howeva as stePh soon fouNd ouT...

The mORe u treat StePh gd...

The more guiilTy stePh wiiLl b...

thus fiinally stePh had no Choiice buT 2 sae bYe buaii 2 u...

Aniiwae after all these unhappiines...

StePh iis stiill Glad dat u r stiill wiilliing to contiinue to b frenz wiif me...

StePh iis happii dat u r stiill wiilliing to liisten to my complaiins...

n most iimportantly...

nw the both of us had movEd on...

Tiis shld b the best endiiNG 4 the both of uS ii suPpoSe...

u hv found the 1 u lyKe nw...

muZ hOld ontO her tiite n dun Giif Up Okii???

All The Best to U!!!

Thank U so MuCh once AgAiin... ")

MiiZ ThEm LoadS

ThoUgh dat tiime StepH had ConTact wiif the chiilDren was purely b coz of her practiicum...
But siince dat the priinciipal of the kiindergarten...
Miis BucklAnd had offered me a job as a reliieve teacher of the kiindergarten...
thus whenever anii of the teacher there was absent or they niid x'tra helpers...
the kiindergarten would defiintiitely cor StePh 2 coMe over to help ouT...
Thou iit was an on n off joB...
but uPon coUntiing...
iit was StePh's fiiRst job afterall...
n stEph too nv hv tot dat she cOuld stay for 3 yrs iin dat sch as a reliieve teacher...
howeva nw StePh iis nO lonGer wOrkiiNg thEre...
sHe iis nw workiing @ another chiildcare ctr 4 nearly 6 mths...
her current woRkplAce iis oso near to her hse...
iits @ moUntbattEn...
ShaWs CDLC @ MouNtBAtTen...
a berii biig sch 2...

The 5 yRs OlD

ThEse r anOther grOup of ChiilDdrEn whOm sTepH had taught...
These Chiildren r curreNtly studyIing @ St. Hilda's KiinDergarten...
They can oso b consiidered as StepH's juniiors...
Coz stEph studiied There WheN shE wAs youNg too!!!
Oso sTepH diin knew dat the current priiciipal of tiis kiindergarten was her pAst k2 teacher...
Iit was untiill whEn stePh saW her n Had been iiNtroDuceD bY the AdmIin sTaff thEre...
Den shE saw Her teacher cum PrIinciipal...
So ShocKEd was StePh buT @ the same tiimE was Glad 2 b ablE 2 sErvE tHE scH iin Tiis waE...
iiT wAs thRu the GuiidaNce of DeaR lOrd JESUS CHRIST daT StePh wAs abLe to ReuNiitE wiif all her Ex teaChers...

ThEsE r My lOvEly ChiilDreN

ThEsE cHiilRen r cUtE aren't they???
Well these r all stepH's pReciioUs...
StePh luRves them alot...
They r StePh's babiiEs...
N stEph reallii dote them alot...
stePh oWaes wiiLl feeL so Happi seeiiNg them ard...
well well these r noT stePh's biiologiical cHiilDren...
So fOlkS duN gEt the wroNg iiDea k???
ThEy r stuDents Of StePh...
Hmmm wads stePh oCcuPatiiOn iis den???
fRom tHe lOok...
iit mUz b an ez gUeSs ii SuppOse...
The AnsWer iis...
StePh iis An early cHiildhooD teachEr...
oR iin lAymaN's tErm...
StePh iis nW cUrreNtlY a KiinDerGarten Teacher...
thEse chiiLDren r juz 3 yRs olD...
Next yR they wiiLl b tUrNiinG 4... :)

Hello BloGgiiE

Hello BloGgiiE...

Gd mOrniiNg 2 u...


2dae iis a sUnnY Dae...

iit would b fUn 2 hv a day's ouTiinG to The Sea SiiDe...


buT hEre ii m wriitiing mY poSts oN u...



FiinAllY 2daE iis 31/12/2008...

2009 wiiLl b hEre tmL...


a New Yr iiS sTartIing sOoN...

HopE eVeryTiinK wiiLl b FiinE 4 StEph n hEr famiiLy as well As fRenZ arD hEr... ")

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gd NiiTe n mErrY bLatEd x'MaS EvEry1

AlL RiitE fRenZ...

StePh iis GoiinG 2 Slp sOon...

Gd niiTe 2 All...

StePh wiiLl Post mOre tml...

Last but nOt lEast...

Happii B lateD mErrIi x'mAs 2 all...

Tk CarE!!! ")

HelEnE mEii Meii N sTepH

Tiis liitlE gal iis Helene...
She iis 1 of the DaughTer of my mum's collEaguE iin thE oFfiiCe...
Next yr she wiiLl b sEc 1...
TiimE flIieS reAllii fasT...
Iin a bLiiNk oF an Eye...
ii diin EvEn nOe dAt we hAd oReadii KnoWn eAcH othEr 4 nEarly A yR!!!
A woNderFul Meii Meii 2 Hv...
gD n NiiCe cOmpAniiOn By mY SiidE...
aLl thE bEst 2 U dEaR swEetiIE... ")


tHeSe beautiiFul LadiiEs r sTepH's Fave FreNz wHEnever StePh goEs to The offiIce 2 Help Her MummY...
They R owAes thEre 4 sTepH...
AccOmPanYiinG hEr 4 lUncH n c All StePh's BoNuS dUriiNg LuncH hRs...
ReallIi AppreCiiaTe TheM berii MuCh...
StePh lUrvEs Them lOAdS!!!


X'Mas EvE...

ShLd b My mOst hAppIi dAe iiN mY liiFe aFteR sO mAnii Yrs...

Coz daT dAE @ PP WIIF My GoD siiS Winnie...

n fiiNallY ii sAw thE pErSon ii Hv beeN wAntiiNg 2 c SiinCe Sec sch...

hoWevEr the attiituDe daT he shOwed me...

wAs stiiLl thE saMe as b4...

Cold n UnFeEliiNg...

bUt sTiilL ii wasn't sAd bY iit @ all...

coZ iiT wAs thE onlii chance ii Could get 2 c hiim @ sucH a pLAce...

vEry unExpEcteD IInDeED... ")

HiiDeN MeaNiiNg BhiiNd All SmiiLeS

B hiiNd aLl mY smIilEs liiEs a fAcaDe wiiThiiN mE...
DeeP iiNsiiDe mE wAs HeartacHE n emPty shEll...
ii M lEft wiiF nth Juz a TiiRed sOul ConTiinUE tRyiiNg hArd 2 sUrviiVe Deep IinsIide mE...
No mOre HappIinEss...
EvEryTiiNk hAs changed...
No lOnger The SamE me...

BeaUtiiFul n PreTty StEpH

SteFfiiE iis nW trYiinG harD to chAnge iiN 2 a PreTty gal...
BuT ii Noe iits IimpOssIible lahz...
But stiill steffiie diid alot of beauty regiime evEry NiiTe b4 goIing to bEd n aftEr sHoWer...
HowEver sTeffIiE's fAce iiS nOt doIing weLl...
She hv gOt cOnStanT bReakoUts fRom hEr faCe...
ThanK gOd iiTs nOT so Seriious nW...
Juz OccAsiioNal BreakoUts...
Shld b nOrmaL ii SupPosE... ")


My daddy iis an ExErciiSe fanaTiiC hu lykes To go to the gym to hiis workoUt...
Everydae he wiil Go to The Gym To sweAt hIimsElf oUt...
B4 goiinG dOwn To the Pool 4 hiiS sWiim...
Den @ niITe he wiill Go 4 hIis taBlE teNniiS wiiF hiiS kHakIis...
b coz of tiis ii m osO iiNflUeNcEd bY hiim n Wiill folLoW hIim 2 ThE gyM To sWeAt mYselF oUt...
ReallIi woRks berii well 4 me coZ iiT iis AblE to reLiiEve all My strEss oUt fRom The TiiNks ii m DoiiNg...
bUt ii m nOt peRsiiStEnt enUff thOugh...
ii juz go 2 the cRoss traiiNEr 4 haLf an hRn dats iit...