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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

MalaYsiiA TriiP PaRt 10

Fiirst tiime @ malaysiia ii saw actors actiing...
Ii juz fiiniished cliimbiing the 272 steps of Batu Cave n ii saw tiis chiinese man weariing black suiit walkiing the last steps iin hiis fliip flops...
Ii was quiite fasciinated by hiis dressiing coz iit muz b berii uncomfortable to wear suiit cliimbiing up to the cave...
ii diin even noe dat he was an actor!!!
ii stiill tot he was a touriist juz lyke me...
untiill ii saw hiim standiing iin the car n waiitiing for the diirector to say 'Cut! Actiion!'
Dat iit dawned on me suddenLy dat he was juz kiilliing hiis tiime whiile waiitiing for hiis scene... >.<

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