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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The 5 yRs OlD

ThEse r anOther grOup of ChiilDdrEn whOm sTepH had taught...
These Chiildren r curreNtly studyIing @ St. Hilda's KiinDergarten...
They can oso b consiidered as StepH's juniiors...
Coz stEph studiied There WheN shE wAs youNg too!!!
Oso sTepH diin knew dat the current priiciipal of tiis kiindergarten was her pAst k2 teacher...
Iit was untiill whEn stePh saW her n Had been iiNtroDuceD bY the AdmIin sTaff thEre...
Den shE saw Her teacher cum PrIinciipal...
So ShocKEd was StePh buT @ the same tiimE was Glad 2 b ablE 2 sErvE tHE scH iin Tiis waE...
iiT wAs thRu the GuiidaNce of DeaR lOrd JESUS CHRIST daT StePh wAs abLe to ReuNiitE wiif all her Ex teaChers...

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