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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can We b LykE tiiS cLoSe AgaIin???

ii OwAes wonDered Iif there were noT anii miisunderstanDiinGs betweEn Us...
iif everytiink hAd bEen CleaRed niiCely n ProPErlY...
Can We b lYke Tiis CloSe Agaiin???
Can We b lYke the past haviing the chemiistry to tk piics together wiif the same poses???
as The yRs goNE passEd...
u n ii hv growN uP...
evErytiiNk of Our past r slOWlY fadiiNg...
no longer lyke wad we useD to b duriiNg Sec scH days...
nw everytiink betWeen Us seemed coMpliiCated...
EverYtiiNk seemEd to hv a moTiivE n consciiOusneSs goIing on bEtweEn us...
Tell me iif tiis iis trUE???
EvErytiink dat we diid together lately r juz unrEal???
ii TrUly m feeliinG a Sense of uneasiiNEss deeP doWn iin my heaRt nw...
a Sense of loSs iis suRgiinG up deep WiiThiin mY iinEr tots...
PlS tell ME dat ii m Wrong...
n Dat u R the same U...
The same meii meii dat ii hv owaes doted On n giif iin 2...

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