StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ThEsE r My lOvEly ChiilDreN

ThEsE cHiilRen r cUtE aren't they???
Well these r all stepH's pReciioUs...
StePh luRves them alot...
They r StePh's babiiEs...
N stEph reallii dote them alot...
stePh oWaes wiiLl feeL so Happi seeiiNg them ard...
well well these r noT stePh's biiologiical cHiilDren...
So fOlkS duN gEt the wroNg iiDea k???
ThEy r stuDents Of StePh...
Hmmm wads stePh oCcuPatiiOn iis den???
fRom tHe lOok...
iit mUz b an ez gUeSs ii SuppOse...
The AnsWer iis...
StePh iis An early cHiildhooD teachEr...
oR iin lAymaN's tErm...
StePh iis nW cUrreNtlY a KiinDerGarten Teacher...
thEse chiiLDren r juz 3 yRs olD...
Next yR they wiiLl b tUrNiinG 4... :)

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