StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

BeaUtiiFul n PreTty StEpH

SteFfiiE iis nW trYiinG harD to chAnge iiN 2 a PreTty gal...
BuT ii Noe iits IimpOssIible lahz...
But stiill steffiie diid alot of beauty regiime evEry NiiTe b4 goIing to bEd n aftEr sHoWer...
HowEver sTeffIiE's fAce iiS nOt doIing weLl...
She hv gOt cOnStanT bReakoUts fRom hEr faCe...
ThanK gOd iiTs nOT so Seriious nW...
Juz OccAsiioNal BreakoUts...
Shld b nOrmaL ii SupPosE... ")

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