StepH wouLd lYke to take tiis OppoRtuniity to siincerly thank u 4 those happii tiimes dat u hv giiven me...
Thou those tiimes we had spent together were berii short...
However duriing dat tiime steph was reallii happii n blessed to hv u by my siide...
u owaes giif iin to me...
owaes liistened to me...
owaes wiill try ur best to come n fiind me n accompany me after ur work or workout...
stePh noes dat u r tiired...
n wanted u to go back hm n rest...
but u juz wouldn't coz u wanted to spend more tiime wiif me...
makes steph felt reallii lucky to hv u by my siide...
steph wiill oWaes rmb the gd u had shown me...
steph wiill owaes cheriished n kiip iinsiide my heart the lurve u had showered me...
those tiimes n iinciidents we had been thru together...
stepH cOuld stiill rmb viiviidly tiill nw...
steph was reallii touched when u knelt down n put on the riing 4 me...
telliing steph dat u wiill owaes b wiif me no matter wad happens...
@ dat tiime stepH nearlY criied oUt...
the oNlii one tiime when sTepH loSt cOnnEctiiOns wiif u...
made stEph so WorriIEd dat u were iin soMe kIind of Miishap...
thank God dat fiinally u managed to cor back n comforted me...
made me @ dat poiint of tiime felt dat u were truly the 1 meant 4 sTepH...
iit was @ dat poiint of tiime dat made StePh felt dat ii onlii wan u n no 1 else to accomapny thru out the rest of my liife...
But stiill StePh noEs dat iiT wAs iimPossiiBle...
cOz stEph was fickled mIinded...
iin the end stEph stiill ChosE to giif u uP...
Iit was after mUch struGgle dat stEph maDe tiis deciisiion...
Thou @ dat poiint iit reallii paiined stepH to hv to part wiif u...
But stePh oso Noes dat iin Tiime to coMe...
we wiill not b able to b happii as b4...
StePh coUld onlii sae sorriie to u...
stePh coUld onLii feel apologetiic towards u 4 breakiing up wiif u...
jUz so Dat ii could contiiNue tiinKiing of the oTher guY hu had caused hurt iinsiide stePh's heart...
stEph was reallii bad...
but ii could onlii do tiis wae iin order to b faiir to u...
iiniitiially steph had reallii meant to b wiif u n 4get hiim...
howeva as stePh soon fouNd ouT...
The mORe u treat StePh gd...
The more guiilTy stePh wiiLl b...
thus fiinally stePh had no Choiice buT 2 sae bYe buaii 2 u...
Aniiwae after all these unhappiines...
StePh iis stiill Glad dat u r stiill wiilliing to contiinue to b frenz wiif me...
StePh iis happii dat u r stiill wiilliing to liisten to my complaiins...
n most iimportantly...
nw the both of us had movEd on...
Tiis shld b the best endiiNG 4 the both of uS ii suPpoSe...
u hv found the 1 u lyKe nw...
muZ hOld ontO her tiite n dun Giif Up Okii???
All The Best to U!!!
Thank U so MuCh once AgAiin... ")
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