StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


X'Mas EvE...

ShLd b My mOst hAppIi dAe iiN mY liiFe aFteR sO mAnii Yrs...

Coz daT dAE @ PP WIIF My GoD siiS Winnie...

n fiiNallY ii sAw thE pErSon ii Hv beeN wAntiiNg 2 c SiinCe Sec sch...

hoWevEr the attiituDe daT he shOwed me...

wAs stiiLl thE saMe as b4...

Cold n UnFeEliiNg...

bUt sTiilL ii wasn't sAd bY iit @ all...

coZ iiT wAs thE onlii chance ii Could get 2 c hiim @ sucH a pLAce...

vEry unExpEcteD IInDeED... ")

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