StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

HelEnE mEii Meii N sTepH

Tiis liitlE gal iis Helene...
She iis 1 of the DaughTer of my mum's collEaguE iin thE oFfiiCe...
Next yr she wiiLl b sEc 1...
TiimE flIieS reAllii fasT...
Iin a bLiiNk oF an Eye...
ii diin EvEn nOe dAt we hAd oReadii KnoWn eAcH othEr 4 nEarly A yR!!!
A woNderFul Meii Meii 2 Hv...
gD n NiiCe cOmpAniiOn By mY SiidE...
aLl thE bEst 2 U dEaR swEetiIE... ")

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