StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

JiiE JiiE SaMaNtHA

Tiis iis Samantha...
She iis StePh's CousiiN siis...
StePh wiill OwaeS cOr hEr jIie Jiie...
Chiinese meanIing 4 siister...
sTePh iis an Onlii Chiild...
sO ii reallII lYke jiiE jiiE aloT...
Coz sHE noEs hOw 2 Tk care of StePh...
Iin the pasT when ii fiiRst started Priimary 1 @ Haig GirLs' School...
Jiie jiie wiill owaes ask me to siit down on The canteen bench whiile she ran off To buy Recess 4 me...
sHe wiill CarrY the boWl To me n c me fiiniish everytiink up...
B4 makiing sure dat ii hv entered mY class safely den she wiill go back Hm...
ii Oso rmb Once when ii wAs YouNg...
iin her attempt 2 make miilk 4 me...
she scalded her hand wiif the hot water...
n iit was a berii red scald...
she criied but stiill contiinued makiing the miilk 4 stEph...
nW jiie jiie iis oreadii 25 yrs old n oso has a bf...
sTePh oso seldom c her...
juz occasiion smses...
But stiill shE iis sTePh's bEst jiie jiie Eva!!! ")

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