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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My HaVeN

ii Wiill OwAes RelY on ThE arRay OF liGhts coMiinG iinTo mY rooM thRu the WiinDows To wakE me uP frOm dreaMs...

My Fave PlatfORm Bed Giiviing My Body a Gd NiiTe resT Every niiTe after A day's Of TiirEdnEss as well as a gd storage Place bY the siiDes to Kiip My StuFfS...

My berIi Biig CupBoard To stoRe mY pRetTy n ChiiC clOthiinGs as Well as A miiniiatUre kiinD of DreSsiiNG tAblE 4 mE to lOok LovelY n sWeEt wiiF make ups n otheR cosmeTiic pRoducts...

My anOther sEt of ChEst OF dRawEr n oRnamEnt TaBlE To StoRe mY clOtheS aS wEll As CoLlEcTiibLEs bEcoZ ii m OvErloAded Wiif All My StuFfs...

The JiiGsAw pUzzlE hUnG uP oN The Wall RepReseNTs Dat ii m StiiLl YoUng @ hEart...

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