StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

MiiZ ThEm LoadS

ThoUgh dat tiime StepH had ConTact wiif the chiilDren was purely b coz of her practiicum...
But siince dat the priinciipal of the kiindergarten...
Miis BucklAnd had offered me a job as a reliieve teacher of the kiindergarten...
thus whenever anii of the teacher there was absent or they niid x'tra helpers...
the kiindergarten would defiintiitely cor StePh 2 coMe over to help ouT...
Thou iit was an on n off joB...
but uPon coUntiing...
iit was StePh's fiiRst job afterall...
n stEph too nv hv tot dat she cOuld stay for 3 yrs iin dat sch as a reliieve teacher...
howeva nw StePh iis nO lonGer wOrkiiNg thEre...
sHe iis nw workiing @ another chiildcare ctr 4 nearly 6 mths...
her current woRkplAce iis oso near to her hse...
iits @ moUntbattEn...
ShaWs CDLC @ MouNtBAtTen...
a berii biig sch 2...

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