StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My daddy iis an ExErciiSe fanaTiiC hu lykes To go to the gym to hiis workoUt...
Everydae he wiil Go to The Gym To sweAt hIimsElf oUt...
B4 goiinG dOwn To the Pool 4 hiiS sWiim...
Den @ niITe he wiill Go 4 hIis taBlE teNniiS wiiF hiiS kHakIis...
b coz of tiis ii m osO iiNflUeNcEd bY hiim n Wiill folLoW hIim 2 ThE gyM To sWeAt mYselF oUt...
ReallIi woRks berii well 4 me coZ iiT iis AblE to reLiiEve all My strEss oUt fRom The TiiNks ii m DoiiNg...
bUt ii m nOt peRsiiStEnt enUff thOugh...
ii juz go 2 the cRoss traiiNEr 4 haLf an hRn dats iit...

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