Ytd stePh fiinAllY gOt her Pay 4 The mTh oF fEb 2009...
Of Coz WiiF pAy...
iIt mEanS To sAe dat stePh can Buy stuFfs whiiCh ShE lYkes...
But On thE other hAnd...
StePh has GoT deBts 2 pAy 2 ah ma Lim as well as haviing 2 giiF ah Ma TaN mThlY alloWanCe...
Thus frOm tiis mTh on...
Tiill jUne 2009...
StePh has 2 b carefUl wiiF hEr spEndiiNGs...
tOok $700.00 oUt fRom The bAnk...
StePh slOWlY paY aH mA lIm $260.00 iin 2 mThs...
Over a pEriiOd fRom nW tiIll ApRil 2009...
n paYiing mUmmY $262.00 oveR a pEriiOD oF 1 mTh...
StartiinG frOm mAy tiill jUnE 2009...
pLus gIiviiNg ah mA taN $20.00 4 her tea BreakS...
Thus nW stePh wiill OnlY b lEFt wiif $420.00...
S0 StePh miiT lEna @ pArkWay Parade & tiis TiimE roUNd...
My Dear fren was Berii Hungry so We went 2 the fooDcOurt n OrdEred 2 bOwls oF tom YAm Soup ee mee as well as the other 1 iis koSonG whiich beloNgs to StePh...
After DiiNnEr...
We went to The Face Shop n stePh pUrchased fLebeaUte 3% n 5% viTa c AmpOule as Well as hOney wiiF blAck Sugar n whiiTe pearl Faciial ScrUbs 4 $88.92...
nExt stoP sTePh WenT To OP n pUrchAsed 3 shOrts 4 $54.00...
PrevIiouSly the salesgaL saiiD dat there were 5 diiff cOloUrs 4 the paiiR of shORts whiiCh ii lyke...
But yTd whEn ii Went thEre...
AnOTher Salesgal saiID dat there were oNlii 3 diiFf cOlouRs...
dEn we went nExt dooR 2 CoTtoN On n Purchased the last cOloUr oF the shORts whiich stePh had bEen WantiiNG to pUrchase 4 A lOng tiiME...
stePh got the red colOur n had actually wAnted to try oN the denmiIn jEans shOrts oso sellIing @ 2 4 $30.00...
Howeva sad to sae...
They dUn Hv mY siiZe!!!
aLl R siiZe 14 n abOve...
whIIch was Wae tooooooo hUge 4 stePh oReadii...
No ChoiiCe sTePh hAs 2 Giif Up...
HoPefUllY ii Can FiInd @ oTher OuTlets The riiTe siiZe sUiitaBle 4 mE The nExt TiiME roUnd... ")
After CoTton On We Went 2 SembAwAnG MusiC iin ThE hOpe oF gEttIinG Da MouTh cD...
HoWevA thE saLes gUy saiiD nO stOck n StePh wEnt doWn 2 GraMoPhOne 2 tRy mY lUcK...
ThanK GoD ii FoUnd iiT n boUght iiT doWn 4 $18.95...
When Ii m DoNE wiiF mY shoPPiinG sPreE...
LEnA sUgGesTed we Go Fiind a pLace 2 slAck...
N fiinAlly we wenT to MAC n ii ORderEd McFluRry 4 mYseLF; vaniillA cOned Iice- Cream 4 Lena n Iice lEmoN tea 4 the bOth OF us TO share...
DesPiiTe stEph's LiimiiTed spEndiiNGs...
IiN ConCLuSiiOn...
Ii m QuiiTe satiiSfiiEd mOst oF the TiiMe wiiF the stuFfs ii Had boughT hm...
The onlY 1 tiiNk whIich sTePh stiiLl hAs NOt boUght iiS cOusiiN siiS SaM's b Dae PresEnt...
Iits A pAiiR of RosE gOld EarrIings...
ii sAw iiT @ GolDhEart JeWellEry...
Iit iiS lOvelY n Ii got To bUy iiT faSt...
sO sTePh Wiill gO n PurChase iiT eiItHEr 2Dae oR tmL wiiF mUmmY...
Coz Ytd Eric was On Leave... >.<
hE wiiLl oNly b bAck TodAe...
Haiix... "(
But Nvm...
wHen MummY GoeS there wiiF Steph...
Ii WiiLl b AsKiiNG hEr 2 bUy mE a PaiiR oF whiiTe Gold earRiiNgs too as My 21St bDae pResEnt...
WaiiTiiNG iIn AnTiiciIpAtIioN n EagErnEsS 2 Try On dAt pAiiR oF eArrIiNGs...
By The End oF the Niite's ShoppIing...
My hAnds WerE fiiLled wiIf sMall...
N laRge bAgs...
ExagGeRaTeD bUt iiTs The TrUth...
daTs 1 Wae hOW sTePh ReliiEveS mY StrEss bEsiiDes gOiing to The GyM... =p
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