StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ytd stePh fiinAllY gOt her Pay 4 The mTh oF fEb 2009...
Of Coz WiiF pAy...
iIt mEanS To sAe dat stePh can Buy stuFfs whiiCh ShE lYkes...
But On thE other hAnd...
StePh has GoT deBts 2 pAy 2 ah ma Lim as well as haviing 2 giiF ah Ma TaN mThlY alloWanCe...
Thus frOm tiis mTh on...
Tiill jUne 2009...
StePh has 2 b carefUl wiiF hEr spEndiiNGs...
tOok $700.00 oUt fRom The bAnk...
StePh slOWlY paY aH mA lIm $260.00 iin 2 mThs...
Over a pEriiOd fRom nW tiIll ApRil 2009...
n paYiing mUmmY $262.00 oveR a pEriiOD oF 1 mTh...
StartiinG frOm mAy tiill jUnE 2009...
pLus gIiviiNg ah mA taN $20.00 4 her tea BreakS...
Thus nW stePh wiill OnlY b lEFt wiif $420.00...
S0 StePh miiT lEna @ pArkWay Parade & tiis TiimE roUNd...
My Dear fren was Berii Hungry so We went 2 the fooDcOurt n OrdEred 2 bOwls oF tom YAm Soup ee mee as well as the other 1 iis koSonG whiich beloNgs to StePh...
After DiiNnEr...
We went to The Face Shop n stePh pUrchased fLebeaUte 3% n 5% viTa c AmpOule as Well as hOney wiiF blAck Sugar n whiiTe pearl Faciial ScrUbs 4 $88.92...
nExt stoP sTePh WenT To OP n pUrchAsed 3 shOrts 4 $54.00...
PrevIiouSly the salesgaL saiiD dat there were 5 diiff cOloUrs 4 the paiiR of shORts whiiCh ii lyke...
But yTd whEn ii Went thEre...
AnOTher Salesgal saiID dat there were oNlii 3 diiFf cOlouRs...
dEn we went nExt dooR 2 CoTtoN On n Purchased the last cOloUr oF the shORts whiich stePh had bEen WantiiNG to pUrchase 4 A lOng tiiME...
stePh got the red colOur n had actually wAnted to try oN the denmiIn jEans shOrts oso sellIing @ 2 4 $30.00...
Howeva sad to sae...
They dUn Hv mY siiZe!!!
aLl R siiZe 14 n abOve...
whIIch was Wae tooooooo hUge 4 stePh oReadii...
No ChoiiCe sTePh hAs 2 Giif Up...
HoPefUllY ii Can FiInd @ oTher OuTlets The riiTe siiZe sUiitaBle 4 mE The nExt TiiME roUnd... ")
After CoTton On We Went 2 SembAwAnG MusiC iin ThE hOpe oF gEttIinG Da MouTh cD...
HoWevA thE saLes gUy saiiD nO stOck n StePh wEnt doWn 2 GraMoPhOne 2 tRy mY lUcK...
ThanK GoD ii FoUnd iiT n boUght iiT doWn 4 $18.95...
When Ii m DoNE wiiF mY shoPPiinG sPreE...
LEnA sUgGesTed we Go Fiind a pLace 2 slAck...
N fiinAlly we wenT to MAC n ii ORderEd McFluRry 4 mYseLF; vaniillA cOned Iice- Cream 4 Lena n Iice lEmoN tea 4 the bOth OF us TO share...
DesPiiTe stEph's LiimiiTed spEndiiNGs...
IiN ConCLuSiiOn...
Ii m QuiiTe satiiSfiiEd mOst oF the TiiMe wiiF the stuFfs ii Had boughT hm...
The onlY 1 tiiNk whIich sTePh stiiLl hAs NOt boUght iiS cOusiiN siiS SaM's b Dae PresEnt...
Iits A pAiiR of RosE gOld EarrIings...
ii sAw iiT @ GolDhEart JeWellEry...
Iit iiS lOvelY n Ii got To bUy iiT faSt...
sO sTePh Wiill gO n PurChase iiT eiItHEr 2Dae oR tmL wiiF mUmmY...
Coz Ytd Eric was On Leave... >.<
hE wiiLl oNly b bAck TodAe...
Haiix... "(
But Nvm...
wHen MummY GoeS there wiiF Steph...
Ii WiiLl b AsKiiNG hEr 2 bUy mE a PaiiR oF whiiTe Gold earRiiNgs too as My 21St bDae pResEnt...
WaiiTiiNG iIn AnTiiciIpAtIioN n EagErnEsS 2 Try On dAt pAiiR oF eArrIiNGs...
By The End oF the Niite's ShoppIing...
My hAnds WerE fiiLled wiIf sMall...
N laRge bAgs...
ExagGeRaTeD bUt iiTs The TrUth...
daTs 1 Wae hOW sTePh ReliiEveS mY StrEss bEsiiDes gOiing to The GyM... =p

Thursday, February 26, 2009

MasSiiVe ShoPpiiNg

StePh's LAtesT cOllEcTiioN to My bAg FamiiLy frOm PepPer Plus @ $28.00

Ytd afternOon...

After 6th uNclE had fetched stePh hm from theiir hse...

YvOnnE came @ ard 1.45 pm...

n we went to mY hse nEarbY coFfEeshOp 2 eat the famoUs wOntOn mEe b4 makiing a triiP doWn to QueenswAy shoppIing ctr bY buS 33...

Iit was a long riide but lucky ii n yvo spoke bOut tiiNks dat iinterests us tiill lastlY a Long nAggiiNG fRom HEr 4 nOt liisteniiNG to her iiN the pAst when she told stepH 2 retake mY o lvls weaker subjects...

when we reached queensway...

we went to the shoppiing ctr...

located The stall whiich she wAs suPposed to collEct sU zhEn's bdae present...

Iit was a sPorts kIind of Tee...

But @ the back of iit iimpriinted wiif her name 'Su zHEn' as well as the nUmber 21 iimplyiing her age...

after we had collEcted iit...

both steph n yVo could not resiist n made 1 for ourselves too...

steph chose a liime green siinglet wiif hot piink letters 4 my PriiNts...

when we had fiiniished our order n the uncle told us the date n tiime 4 collectiion whiich was tiis frii...

we walked dOwn 2 anchorpoint n looked ard...

b4 hoppIing on 2 another bus 33 to go to Tiong BahrU...

@ TionG bAhrU plAza we aliighted n agaiin went iin to hv a look...

fIinallY @ pEpper pLuS...

StePh bOught a blAck coloUred leather textured bag 4 $28.00 as shoWn above...

dEn we went to MOS bUrger 2 tk Our diinnEr...

we sat down n slacked as we ate our burgers...

By 6.30 pm...

we took bus 16 down 2 plaza SingapUra as StePh wanted to hv a peek @ the iinstiitute whiich ii wiill moStly liikelY b goiiNg to pursUe mY psycholoGy coUrse...

We went iin n took a booklet as well as a brochure on the cOurse layOut b4 enteriing PS 2 looK aRd...

Had actuallY wanted to enter agnes B to look @ theiir bags...

But yvO foRbiiD me to...

sayiing muz waiit tiill next tiime when ii got mY salary den can go iin c...


But b coz of stepH's liimiited budget...

ii Got aloT of tiiNks whiich ii c bUt @ the sAmE tiiME can't bUy...

sO yVo saiid dat tiis iis the best tiime to curb mY sPendiiNG desiiRes...


Frii ii m goiing to get mY salary n ii wiill b miitiing lena 2...

HopefullY on dat dae ii can bUy all The stuffS whiICh ii Want 4 the monTh of feb...


sIince we got nth to buy...

we took a bus 36 hm whiile yvo aliighted @ suntec ciTy 2 transfer another buS back to her hse...

ii on the other hand took all the wae to Parkway pArade b 4 walkiing back from kaTong LAksa...

Howeva b 4 ii went back...

stEph went straiight to viisiit gavin n colleagues...

But they were too bz prepariing theiir new shOp dat they diid noT hv the tiime to stOp n Entertaiin stePh...

bUt b4 ii left though...

Joseph iinViited me oVer to theiir nEw shOp opEniiNG ceremOnY bUffEt toDay...

ii m sad to sae 'soRrii' coz ii m woRkiing...


1st tiime stepH went 2 so manii shoppiing malls wiithiin a day!!!

Tiired... >.<

ViiSiiT 2 6th AunTy's Hse

Dear EthAn @ plAy

Ytd Ii toOk mY bErii 1st LeavE fRom ShaW's 4 2009...

B 4 taKiiNG the LeavE...

Ii hAd iiT aLl PlannEd oUt wAd iI wiIll B goIiNG to Do On Dat dAe...

ThuS yTd The momEnt ii WokE uP...

@ aRd 9.05 am...

Ii Giif 6th aUnty a Cor asKiiNG hEr iiF iiT wIill B cOnvEniiEnt 4 StePh 2 PAy hEr as Well As aLl mY yOunG cOusiiNs a ViisiiT @ hEr Joo ChaIt TerRaCe ResiiDenTiial TerrAce...

We stayed berii near to each Other sO iits quiiTe ez accessIiblE 4 sTePh 2 gO 2 her hSe...

When she agreed...

sTeph went 2 wash uP n gOt reay 2 go 4 breakfast wiiF mY pArents @ PArkWay hawkEr cTr...

2dae stepH nEarlY wOkE up @ 7.30 am..

The same tiime whiich Ii usUallY wakEs Up DuRiiNG wOrkiiNG daYs...

Nw stePh's bOdy sYstEm has BeeN iiN tUne Wiif HaiG Girls' sChooL daiiLy nAtiiOnal AthEm...

Thank God ii WAS ABle To gEt bacK 2 slp w/o WakiiNG Up...

@ the hAwkEr ctr...

StePh oRdered kWay chap 4 mYselF as well as My pArents...

Ii oSo OrdEred tK aWayS diiM sUm 2 brIing 2 6th aUnty's hse as StePh fElt pAii sEh 2 gO to hEr plAce emPty hanDed...

AnoTher reasOn wAs b Coz sTePh waNted 2 ThanK hEr 4 oWaes cOokIing diiNner 4 me whenEva ii WenT oVer to Play wiiF mY cOusiiNS iiN the pAst...

ExacTly @ 11.30 am...

6th UncLE cAme 2 mY hSe after fEtcHiinG EtHAn n MeGan FrOm Sch...

There ii PlayEd wiiF thEM...

Fed them Lunch...

n ReadIIng sToriiEs 2 them...

TiiME passEs reallIi quIIcklY...

Iin A blIink Of an eyE...

Ethan iiS oReadii Iin K1 whEreas MegAn iiS iiN n1...

Not oNly iis Ethan mY cOusiiN...

He was oSo mY sTudEnt lasT yR @ St. HilDa'S nUrsEry when hE was sTiill @ N2...


n They r all sO gRowN Up Nw...

iI pLAYeD wiIF the kIIds tiiLl 1.15 pm b 4 badiiNG them gd bYes b coz stePh stiiLl hAs 2Nd actiIViity gOiing oN...

Dats NoNE Other deN gOiiNG oUt wiIF mY bEloved YvOnne!!!

We r goIiNg sHoppIIng desPiitE sTePh nOt gettiIng My salAry yet...


Whiich oso Means To sae dat ii Hv to bUdgEt mY spENdiiNGs...


ReCenT TiiNks StePh BoUght

thEse R sOme oF the TiiNks whiICh sTePh had BeeN PuRchAsiiNG oN diIFf OccAsIiOns WhenEva Ii MakE a TrIip DoWn To ParkWaY...
LateLy ii Was dEepLy mEsmEriisEd bY the bOdy huGgiiNG texTures of the sHorts whiiCh StePh hAd triiEd oN @ cOttOn On...
Due 2 the hOt wEathEr iiN SinGapOre aS weLl as thE cUrrEnts TrenDs oF wEariiNG shOrts oUt...
sTePh hAs gOt iiN 2 the habIit of PurchAsiiNG shorts n nW iiN mY waRdRobE...
ii MiighT hv @ lEast 20 oVer pAiiRs of shORts maiiNly frOm MAnGo...
DoroThy pErkiNs...
2 the lateSt brAnd- CoTtoN oN...
nExt stOp whiICh sTePh wiiLl B gOiinG 2 buY wiiLl b @ OceaN pAciFiC (OP)...
cOz the shOrts fRom CoTtOn oN...
StePh has pUrchAsed them ALl 4 2 @ $30.00...
U mAy Cor mE cRazY sTePh 4 bUyiinG the sAme dEsiiGns wiF diiFf cOloUr...
But ii Juz CoulDn'T heLp iiT!!!

SmAlL bLacK pOuChE

Tiis BlacK coLouRed mEdiiUm siIZed pOuCh...

stePh bOugHt iIT @ the sAnrIo CounTer @ pArkWay IsEtaN wHen Ii Was Out On mY shOppIing sPree wiiF lEna...

DesPiite hAviiNG bOught maNy PoucHEs of diiFfErenT paTterns latelY...


StePh stiiLl cOuld nOt resiiSt the temptatIioN of BuyiiNG nEw 1's agaiin...

Tiis tIimE rOund stePh iis crazY oVer shOrts fRom CottoN oN n poUchEs oF aNii BranDs...

aFter bUyiiNG tiis 4 $13.95...

stEpH tOt of wad 2 pUt n fIinallY deciIDed 2 stuFf all Her ladiies' mthLy tiiNgy iin 2 dat pOuch...

Den after walKiing anOther rOund @ pArkWae...

sTePh n Lena came to a nOvelTy bOoth oUtsiiDe sinGteL sHop n saw anOther pOuch as sHoWn iiN bLue cOloUr...

Tiis iis cOnsiiDered as a B'dae pResEnt fRom StePh's GoD mUm...

ThanK yOu so MuchIie mummY!!!


Well As Tiis iis a PresEnt...
thUs oBviiOusLy sTePh wiiLl nOt dIivuLdgE the PriiCe oF tiis PoUcH...
bUt 1 mAiiN uSe 4 iiT wiiLl b the sAme as The sAnrIo bLacK PoUch...
cOZ sTePh hAs Too Manii PaDs 2 KiiP...
So Wiif These 2 pOuChes...
tHey EnabLe sTePh 2 StuFf aS mAny oF the pAds ii LykE... ")

A lOvE to KiLl


In A Love to Kill, Bi (Rain or Jeong Ji Hoon) plays a tough guy as the role of a K-1 Fighter, Kang Bok Gu. Bok Gu is a character who is dynamic in nature and grew up in a foster home. He falls in love with a woman whom he should not love. It was because of the woman, his emotionally-wounded brother fell off from the rooftop and became a human vegetable. So, his love is forbidden and inevitably tragic.
The woman is Cha Eun Seok (Shin Mina) who is a TV talent and movie actor. It was not that she jilted his brother on purpose, but upon a basis of misunderstanding, his hatred toward Cha Eun Seok grows more and more burning.
By becoming Cha Eun Seok’s private bodyguard, Bok Gu keeps concretely practicing his revenge upon her. He only desires ‘to bring his brother’s woman to her knees.’ He is gradually taking Cha Eun Seok to destruction, while he feels his love toward her growing deeper and deeper in his heart.
Bok Gu is a cold guy character without any special concern for woman. Martial art of hand-to-hand fighting was just kind of his escape he choose from the shock of a spinster’s death whom he loved from a distance.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Last nIiTe ii went pArkwae Miit lena after mY 7 pm cloSiing...
UsuallY wheneva ii m doiing closiing...
ii would go straiight back to ah ma hse 4 diinner...
coz the walk from shaws to ah ma hse iis juz onlii 15 miins...
unlyke my hse iit would tk 2 least 1/2 hr...
so when lena told me dat she can miit me 4 diinner ytd...
ii iimmediiately coR ah ma n told her 2 tell her maiid noT 2 CoOk mY share...
but b coz most of the tiime we go to parkway...
thus actually there wasn't mUch tiiNks 4 us to buY there esp 4 her...
But fiinAlly she managed to get herself a men's cutiing nIke t- shiirt @ isetan...
Ii On the oTher hand went to Goldheart jeweLLeRy n showed lEna the jewelleriies whiich ii wiill b Purchasiing 4 my cOusiin siis b dae as well as the giift whiich ii wan My mummY 2 buy 4 me...
we waLked n Chatted aLong the wae...
B4 we bade each other gd bYes...
StePh reallii felt apoLogetiic 2 all of mY frenz 4 spEndiiNg theiir preciious tiimes wiif me @ PaRkWae...
No chOiice stePh coUld nOt gO Out tiill late iin The niiTe...
thus ii Can oNlii gO to the nearest shOppIIng mall whiiCh iis PArkWay pAradE...
sO sad n suEy...
Hu ask StePh tiill nW stiill Hv cUrfews FroM pArents... >.<


These 2 Cosmetiic pOuchEs Steph bOuGht iiT dUriing the shoppIing sPree wiiF daddy n FamiilY last suNdae @ JoHn liTtlE mArinA Square...
ii Used the pIiNk 1 to stoRe My nAiil poliiShes as Well as varniishEs...
aNiiTiink 2 dO wiiF eiiTher naiiLs oN hands oR legs...
Ii wiiLl pUt them iinsiiDe the Piink pOuch...
As 4 mY blAck pOuch...
ii uSe iiT to store My cosmEtiics whiich ii wiill apply them @ hm b4 gOiing oUt 4 fUnctiiOns oR events...
All Iin All...
These 2 PouChes r sleek n trendy LookIing...
Thus ii Wiill nOt hV anii Probs stoRiing oR stuffiiNG them iiN mY oVer loAded draWer...
oSo when ii bRiing eiither 1 of them out...
ii niid noT feel pAii seh oR emBArrasSed bY them...
Coz No mAtter wad anGle stePh c...
They dUn looK iin anii wae aUntiie to ME @ all!!! ")


Tiis iis StePh's BillaBong bag whiich ii had brought iit duriing the last shoppiing spree wiif Lena...


Smooth n soft leathery texture...

Berii Niice 2 toUCh...

Juz lUrve iits brown colOur matched wiif Black N whiite...

bErii natuRal n calmiiNG 2 oNe's eyes...

Juz dat the pRiice was quIite steeP...

OtheR den Dat...

Iits wOrth iit coZ stePh juZ luRves usiinG n cArrYiiNG biiG bags whiiCh can stoRe mAnii MAnii OF mY sTuffS!!!

A cOnvErsatiiOn wiiF aUntY shAreN

MonDae niiTe Auntiie Sharen cOr me to fiinD ouT whEther ii Got anii plans 4 mY 21st bdae...
When ii told her nOpe...
sHe saiid dat she & her famiily wiill b comiing oVer 2 mY hse 2 celebrate...
As usUal...
Every yr stePh wiiLl sUre 2 b cElebratiing 2gEther wiiF jiie jiiE...
Thus aUntiie shAren saiid dat they wiill b cOmiinG ovEr next suNdae...
1 dae earliiEr b4 mY actual b'dae whiich falls on 9th mArch...
she saiid dat she wiill b bUyiing n iice cream cake...
as 4 where 2 go 4 diinner..
we wiill deciide ltr when the dae comes nearer...
N stePh reallIi loVes auNTy shAren loAds coz she wiill Sure to buy me presents whiich mY pArents dUn wiish 2 wasTe theiiR $$$ on...
Tiis tiime rouND iis Oso the same...
she's goiing to get me a new hii fii set!!!
Tiis iis wad steph has been pesteriing daddy siince my last miinii cOmpo was spOiilt...
thank u so mUchiiE aUnty sharen 4 dotiing on Me manii manii tiimEs mOreden mY pArents do...
Aniiwae stepH iis reallii truLy exciited bout my 21st b dae...
DunnoE wad oTHer surpriises ii wiill b gettiing...
bUt yEt @ the same tiime...
Iit means dat subsequent tiime wiill pass quiickly oNce a pErsoN has passed 21 yrs olD...
Oh No...
CouNtiing of the numbers of yrs down the rd 2 30 yrs old wiill b cOmiiNG bErii SooN...
Stiill Hv nOT tot of anii wiishes yet...
HopEfuLly 21 yrs old b dae wiishes can reallii coMe true & aLlOwiiNg me 2 fulfiil every siiNgle 1 oF them...

MariNa SquAre shOppiiNg SpReE

SundAy mOrniiNG...
DaddY suGgEsted dat we gO 2 mArinA sQuare 4 lUnch iinSteAd of goiiNg to oUr usuAl luNch pLAce @ ah mA hsE...
After sTePh hAd fiiniiShed 1 oF her dvd oF the drama seriies 'My SassY cHun hYanG'...
We all Got readY 2 gO ouT 4 ouR lunCh...
1st stOp we went 2 the liiBrary 2 rtN as Well as bOrroW aNother sEt oF booKs...
As StePh tot dat we wiill b juz dumpiing the bKs & gO w/O boRroWiinG anIimOre...
ii Diid nOt bRiinG my liibrarY cArd aloNG...
iiT wAs unTiil wHen we ReachEd the GeyLang East liiBrarY...
Den dAddY saiiD dat we wiill b BorroWiinG bKs...
Ii Had no cHoiicE bUt 2 Share wiiF daddY & boRroWed HarrY pOtter 'The dEathLy hArrOws' & 'The 1/2 bLood pRinCe' 4 boTh ii As Well as mY dad...
WhiilE mY mAiid SenLy bOrroWed aNothEr exErciiSe bK 4 hiiMselF b4 we headed next to MS...
When we reacHed Ms...
After we had parked oUr cAr...
wE wEnt to the fOodcOurt n oRdered oUr lUnch...
StePh had actuallY wanted to eat the wontoN mee frOm 1 of her fave stall there...
Howeva when stePh went there...
ii Saw dat the staLl hAd chAngEd 2 a pRata Stall...
My wontoN mEe sTall hAd ClOsed doWn...
SeeMS dat stePh's has beeN jiinXed wheneva iit comes to fooD b cOZ...
wAdeva fOOd stePh luRves to eat...
thE stall wiiLl suRe 2 cLose dOwn 4 gd...
Thus ii HAd nO choiiCe bUT to woNtoN mEe fRom AnothEr stall seLlIing HoNG kOng roasted mEat...
When we had all FiiniiShed ouR lunCh...
Dad saiiD we wanted to Go ShOppIing @ JoHn LiTtlE 2 Buy sOme oF hiis troUsers n WorkiiNG shIIrts...
sTepH wenT 2 c her pErfuMe n FiinAlly mAnaged 2 get daddY 2 bUy a boTtlE of pAris HiltOn 'Can Can' PerfUme 4 me 4 $90.00 as A b dae giift...
dEn stePh went to uy 2 coSmetiic pOuches as well as liingeriies...
By the tiime we went 2 the cashiier cOunter 2 PAy $$$...
Our shoppiing basket was bErii BErii Full!!!
iiT was oVer lOAded wiif mY stuFfs...
SenlY's clOthes...
Daddy's offiICe wear n ah ma's sandals...
wAds mOre shoCkiing was dat...
dEspIite JohN liTtlE was dOiing a proMo...
They diid nOt add iin GsT...
ThanK gOd iiT has bEen waiiVed...
Howeva oUr total came Out to be $456.90!!!
My dad was lyke 'Wad the hell hv we been pUrchAsiiNG???'
Aniiwae nO matter wad...
laSt buT noT least...
ii would lyke to thank my maiid sEnlY 4 buyiiNg me a 'LiTtle Miss BossY' t shIirt as A bDae giiFt... ")
n shE's oso the oNly 1 to sPend alMost 1/2 the amt From the biill... >.<
nV kNew shE coUld b anoTher gD spEnder apArt fRom mE... =p

ShaW's OpEn hSe

Shaw's had theiir oPen Hse...
Iit was held 4 2 days...
n StePh gOt the sAt schEduLe iinStead oF the suNdae...
ThoUgh iiT was bOriing haviing to Work oSo on A sAt...
But yEt @ the same tiiMe...
Iit's a bLessIing...
Coz @ least stEph niiD nOt wAke uP so EarlY...
uNlyke DuriiNG the Week dAys...
StePh's dUty starteD @ 10 Am...
wHeN ii weNt iiN 2 The scH...
All Was QuiiEt...
VerY feW pAreNts cAme 4 the Open hSe...
Thus as ii Got nTH 2 dO...
StePh jUz Iidle ard kiiLLiinG 'hSefliiEs' n 'mOsquiiToes'...
Ard nOon...
A few parents camE iiN n StEph chAttEd wiiF the chiiNEse teacHErs...
OccaSiiOnallY teAchiiNG dOng laO shi cOnvErsatiiOnal EngliiSh...
We had make a pact wiif 1 anOther...
She Wants me to giif her tuiitiioN duRiing weekeNds n as StePh niiDs $$$$ as Well...
So ii AgreeD...
rEallIi wAs a WateD trIip n bY 5.30 pm... thE pRiiNCiipAl saiID dat we Can lEave earlY iinSteAd oF the usUal 6 pm...
ii PackeD uP...
Changed my CLoTHeS...
N sTRoDE OfF happIilY 2 ah Ma Hse 2 fiiNd AllY 2 Play...
B coZ of the clAsh iiN tiiMiing wiif daDdy...
stePh cOuld nOt follOw hIim 2 the gyM 4 mY workoUts...
bUt lUckY...
ii nIid nOt go BacK on SunDay cOZ liAne (tghe pRiinCiiplE) saiid dat tiis mTh's oPen hse iis bAse On a SmallEr scAle...
Thus the mAnpOwEr of TeachErs niiD noT b So huGe... ")

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DrAmA sEriAls StePh WatChEd

Iif u GuyS hV bEeN fOllOwiiNg uP clOSely Iin mY blOg...

Iif u r oBserVant enUff...

u WiiLl nOtiiCe dat stePh actuAlly watchEd tiis shOW oNlii B coz of the partiiculAr actoRs n actresses...


sTepH watchEd them siiMply b coz ii fiind dat theiir actiings r berii gd...

thUs iiN cOnclUsiiOn...

StePh wiiLL cOntiiNue to SupPort them From Nw tiiLl the FutuRe...

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Jin Young (Song Yun Ah), a very open-minded and energetic woman, worked for the Seoul Hotel. Her ex-boyfriend Tae Joon (Kim Seung Woo) resigned and had left for Vegas three years earlier due to an unfortunate incident w/ a guest. The owner of the hotel had always believed in Tae Joon even more so than his own son, Young Jae (Park Jung Chul). When he died of a heart attack, his wife realized that Jin Young must go to Vegas to bring Tae Joon back so he could help run the hotel, which was falling into pieces. Their rival, Kim Book Man (Han Jin Hee), was determined to acquire the Seoul Hotel.

All In


As a kid, all Kim In Ha ever did was follow his uncle around and help him cheat in gambling. As a high school student, he hung out with his friends at the basement of a theater. As Kim In Ha gets to know Choi Jeong Won, a model student and also the son of a very rich family, In Ha tries to tempt him into doing mischevious deeds

FulL HoUse


Han Ji Eun is a naive writer who got swindled out of everything she owned including her house by her best friends. Stranded in China, She managed to borrow money from an actor Lee Young Jae to return to Korea. On her return, she found out that her house was bought by Lee Young Jae. In an attempt to get her possessions back, she entered in a contract marriage with Young Jae for one year. In spite of losing all, Ji Eun manages to be cheerful and takes things in strike and the business relationship between the two becomes personal as they start to rely and care for each other. Based on a popular manhwa of the same title.

SummEr sCenT


Yoo Min-woo's (
Song Seung Heon) first love was So Eun-hye (Shin Ae) who gets into a car accident. Eun-hye dies, leaving her behind. Shim Hye-won (Son Yeh Jin) has suffered from a terrible heart disease ever since childhood. Miraculously, she finds that she will be obtaining a heart from a donor, Soh Eun-hye.
Suffering from the pain of a heartache, Min-woo goes to Paris to study, the memories of Eun-hye still rest in his heart. When he returns to Korea, fate takes a turn and brings Hye-won and Min-woo together. When the two first meet, Hye-won's heart (Eun-hye's heart), oddly beats faster when she is around Min-woo.
Park Jung-jae (
Ryu Jin) is Hye-won's boyfriend. Park Jung-ah (Han Ji Hye) is Jung-jae's sister, she meets Min-woo in Italy and falls for him.

AuTuMn iN mY hEaRt


Yoon Joon-suh and Yoon Eun-suh grew up as siblings but Eun-suh was in fact from a different family as there was a mixed up at the hospital where she was borned.The switch came to light when Eun-suh was involved in a car accident and it was discovered that her blood type was different from her parents. Eun-suh's life took a complete turn when the 2 girls were returned to their respective families. Soon after, the Yoon family left for the States and Eun-suh was left living in sordid condition with her real family in Korea. Years after, Joon-suh returned to Korea and by chance the two former siblings were reunited.

Tough Guy's lOve


The only hope for new millennium is love and people. Man Ho couldn't forget his first love and his three sons weren't close to each other. The eldest son, Joon Tae is under pressure with his position in family and has to faced high expectation from his parents. He also had a broken heart for his first love but he tried his best to take care of his wife and family. The secone son, Hyun Tae was very smart but he couldn't go to college as he was poor. And the money he saved for college had been taken for Myung Tae's bail money. But Hyun Tae keeps studying for a state law examination while he works as a patrol. The third son, Myung Tae is a trouble maker and couldn't get along with Hyun Tae. He hated his father for treating his mother bad. Myung Tae likes tearoom hostess Sang Ran.

GoodbYe mY lOve


Min-su saved Gi-tae's life 13 years ago. In return, Gi-tae's wealthy father hired Min-su to keep Gi-tae out of trouble. Min-su is extremely loyal to Gi-tae, but Gi-tae is a spoiled playboy. Yeon-ju works in a cosmetic factory with Jung-ae. One night, Min-su and Gi-tae meet Yeon-ju and Jung-ae at a nightclub and they try to impress each other by telling lies, which they later regret.

SmilE aGaiN


Ban Ha Jin (
Lee Dong Gun), an orphan and high school drop out, is calculating and ambitious. Even though he dropped out of high school and lives with Choi Yoo Kang (Yoon Se Ah) due to extenuating circumstances, he used to be the high school president and hoped to go to college. Through coincidence, he meets Yoon Jae Myung (Lee Jin Wook), the popular former baseball player from high school, at a bar in Switzerland. Ha Jin manipulates a series of events to become Jae Myung's best friend. Also coincidentally, he meets Oh Dan Hui (Kim Hee Sun), the girl he loved and hurt in high school. Oh Dan Hui used to play baseball on the boy's team but now plays softball in college. Her baseball hero is Yoon Jae Myung. All three meet again in Switzerland and again back in Korea. Ha Jin starts working in Jae Myung's father's company and does everything to make the rich chairman like him. Jae Myung starts working as the softball coach of his father's company's team but then gets transferred. He falls in love with Dan Hui who's headstrong and optimistic personality attracts him. He asks Ha Jin for advice, but Ha Jin cannot bear to watch Jae Myung take his true love.

My FaiR lAdy


Min Kyung (
Kim Hee Sun) just graduates high school and finishes paying off her father's gambling debt at a liquor restaurant. However, with some borrowed money, she runs away, promising herself that she will find a rich man and live happily ever after. Three years later, she is a stewardess at Asiana Airlines. She constantly looks at the materialistic objects any man has, judging everybody by what they are capable of buying. She meets two-three guys at a time while also attending blind dates with her co-workers. On one blind date, she falls in love with Young Ho (Go Su), thinking that he is one of the few people in the Yacht Club (a meeting of the few richest people in Korea). Young Ho is the son of a poor rice cake house, and works to pay off his dead father's debt. He falls in love with Min Kyung, because she looks exactly like his dead girlfriend. When Min Kyung finds out that Young Ho is not rich, she dumps him, and goes back to a rich man (Son Chang Min) who proposed to Min Kyung once before. However, Min Kyung wakes up to true love and realizes that happiness does not necessarily come in money.

Thank You


Dr. Min Ki Seo went to Blue Island to fulfill his deceased girlfriend's last wish to find the single mother and her little girl who was infected by HIV and to apologize to them on her behalf as she had unknowingly given the girl tainted blood when she was being treated at the hospital. Lee Young Shin, the single mom, was having a hard time caring for her grandfather who has Alzeimer's and keeping her daughter's HIV condition a secret while teaching her how to live with it. Min Ki Seo was an arrogant person who looked down on people and in meeting Lee Young Shin who accepted her fate and tried to make the best of it despite all odds, he slowly changed for the better and became a warm and caring person.

Winter SonAta


Joon-sang (
Bae Yong Jun) moves to a new high school in search for his biological father. Yu-jin (Choi Ji Woo) and Sang-hyuk (Park Yong Ha) are close childhood friends, although Sang-hyuk wants to be more than a friend, Yu-jin sees him as a brother. On a trip together with other high school mates, Oh Chelin (Park Sol Mi), Jin-suk (Lee Hye Eun) and Yong-kuk (Ryu Seung Soo), Yu-jin is saved after an accident by Joon-sang. They become close and she opens up his cold heart. However, circumstances and fate dictate that their love will never be. He abruptly disappears from their lives.
Ten years later, the old High School buddies gather to celebrate Yu-jin and Sang-hyuk's soon-to-be wedding. Yu-jin, who was deeply in love with Joon-sang, still has a fire in her heart for him. But at the party, Oh Chelin's new boyfriend arrives, who appears the same as Joon-sang.

LoviNg YoU


Jin Da Rae (
Eugene) is the daughter of a female diver in Cheju Island. After her father mysteriously passes away she tries to uncover the truth about his death. One day she coincidentally saves Hyuk (Park Yong Ha) from torrent waters. Hyuk works for an orange farm opposed to his father's wish that Hyuk should take over his resort development business. Da Rae and Hyuk gradually fall in love. However, their love is put to a risky test after Hyuk's half-brother (Lee Dong Wook) also discovers his love for Da Rae. While all 3 of them get entangled in a complicated love triangle, Da Rae finds out that Hyuk is connected to her father's death.

HappY ValEntiNe's DaY

2dae 14 fEb 2009...
Iits anoTher Yr...
AnoTher mTh...
Another dae...
Another V day...
Tiime flIIes so QuiicklY...
iiTs jUz anOther dae 4 StePh...
But iis Another sPeciial dAe 4 those iin A r/s...
Juz wannA hOpe every CouplE to stay HaPpii n BliissFul Owaes...

PeRplExEd StePh

StePh wOnderEd n Tot...

cOnfuSed n BaffLed...

WhiICh 1 sHld ii ChooSe...

tHe 1 ii Noe 4 oNlii 2 Mths bUt gOt tOk evErytiimE we c eacH other...

Or the oTher 1 whOm ii Had KnoWn 4 6 mths...

But oNlii cOmmuNiicAted wheN ii Got the chANce to c hIim iiN sch...

Both hEld bErii RePutAblE poSt iiN TheiiR cOmPanIies...

BoTh hAd iinDiiviiDual tRaiits whiICh attracTs sTeph Much...

Howeva stePh could nOt deciiDe oN hU iis Beta...

Hu wiill giiF stePh a sensE oF secUriiTy...

n sO coIincIidEntallY...

Both oF them R iiN theiiR 30's...


Whiich stePh fiiNDs dat iis a bErii gd tiinK...

coZ they r ablE to let sTePh feeL pRotectEd n cOmfoRted...

N as they have more experiiences...

They r able to help me shLd stePh encOunter anii Probs iin My lIife...


wOrsE cOme to The Worse...

let's pLAy ee Ni mA nI ee Ni mO loRz...

C iin The end whiiCh wan wiill B StePh's Mr. Riite!!!

hEe... =p

ThuRsDay shOppiinG

oN wed Niite after StePh reachEd hM fRom ParkWay...

StePh diin Speak mUch wiiF hEr pArents coZ thEy r angry wiiF me 4 stayIing oUt till So LAte iin 2 tHe nIite...

B4 goiing upstaiirs...

sTeph sAw a lEttEr fRom IsetaN iiSsuEd 2 me N ii bRouGht iIT upStaiiRs 2 My rooM...

ii ToRe opEn the EnveLop n Saw dat thEy had sEnt mE a LettEr askiiNg mE to cOllEct mY voUchers whiICh ii accUmUlatEd duRiing the LAst 6 mThs...

thUs yTd after wOrk...

StePh went straIight 2 pArkwAe pArade agaiiN iimmediiatelY 2 chAnge mY vouChers...

WalkEd roUnd mAnGo...

StePh diiN fancy anii StuFfs thEre...

sO ii HAd 2 kiip my voUchers 4 lTr use...

nExt ii Went to CoTtoN oN n bOughT 2 pAiiRs oF shOrts 4 $30.00...

StePh wiiLl cOntiiNue 2 bUy theiIR shOrts as well As Other clOthes agaiin when ii get mY pay 4 tiis mTh...


After ShoppIIng ard 4 sOme tiiME...

sTeph mAke a Quiick Viisiit to Poh Kim viiDeos n bOught tHe dVd 'My sAsSy ChUn HyAng' 4 $19.90...

B 4 goIIng to SembAwanG mUsic 2 Buy S.H.E.'s latest AlbUm 4 $12.90...

lAt stOp was To sTylE hAiR stUdio 2 fiiND gAvin N pAls...

sTepH stAyed There n We chaTted mErriiLy...

As They Diid nOt hV anii cUstoMers @ dat pOiiNT of Tiime...

ThuS they were abLe to chAt freeLy n Easiily wiIF stePh...


As 4 The ConTents OF sPeech...


Iits secRet bEtwEen The 3 oF us... ")

By 8 plUs pm...

They cLoseD the Shop...


VinCent n Gavin deN weNt to ParkwAy 2 pUrchAse fLoweRs n GiiFt 4 Vincent's Gf...

A romAntiic n mEtiicuLous gUy hE iis...

Hiis Gf mUz b Berii BlessEd 2 hV hIim bY hEr siIDe...


After sTrollIIng 4 a LiittlE whIile....

StePh BAde thEm gd Byes n weNT hM FIiRst wHiiLe gAviN accOmpAniied Vincent to ConTiinUe toUriiNG roUnd pArkwAy...


Coz VinCent saiID he wantEd to Buy anOther hamsTer 4 hiiS hOme...

HopEfullY he can FiinD oNe he liiKes...

Iin ConcLusiion...

Iit Was anOther lAte nIite bAcK...

N daddY sTarted HiiS nAggiiNgs oNce agaiiN...


21 yrs oLd oReadii sTiill Can'T hV freeDom siiA...

So sad...

sO unLyke of oTher TypICal chIild...


ii Wan My freeDom SoOoOnNnNnN!!!!

FaiIRy GodmOther n GuardiiAn anGel...

Pls gRant me tiis wiish n heLp me fulFiil Iit!!!

Ii wiiLl b TruLy gRatEfUl!!! >.<

MiTt uP wiiF lEnA

oN the sAme dae Wed...

aFter woRk...

StePh receiiVed an Sms fRom My anoTher pRi. scH Fren- LEnA...

ShE sAe to MiiT uP n ii AgrEed...

wE weNt to PArkWae pArade...

wEnt to gOldhEaRt jEwellEry n bOughT a bRacelet 4 mySelf 4 $254.00...

cOz stePh knEw a SalEs exEcuTiivE thEre...

tHus ii n He Chatted 4 awHiilE...

The bRacelEt was mAde froM 18 k whiITe golD...

N iiT was cOnsiiDeRed aS a B Dae giiFt fRom My mAteRnal graNdmA...


aFteR the chAt...

lEnA saiiD shE wanted to gO to CottOn On 2 trY oN a SkIirt...

bUt iin thE enD...

Diin hV hEr siiZe 4 dAt pArtiiCulAr cOloUr...

wE den ProCeedEd oN 2 SaSa n StePh bOughT EmPorIo aRmanI DiaMoNd pErFumE 4 $116.25...

OuR nExt StOp wAs 2 The FacEshOp n There agaiiN sTePh boUght aLl My pRoDucTs 4 $74.76...

As LenA wAntEd 2 buY hEr Hp aCcEssOriiEs...

wE weNt to MinI ToOns n fIinaLly eAcH oF Us bOughT oUr bEgiIniIng alPhAbEt of oUr cHristIan naMes 4 $3.95 EacH...

Ltr oN aFter oUr diinnEr @ the hawkEr...

We wenT baCK TO paRkwAe aGaiiN n @ iSetAn...

StePh saw a Tote bAg fRom BillAbOnG n bOughT iiT doWn iimmEdiiAteLy 4 $69.90...

Iit was BroWn iin ColOur n aS stePh sElDom hv Such cOloUrs...

sO as StEpH fiiNds iIT unIiquE...

tHus ii bOughT iiT dOWn...

tHE lAst stOp was to the pHoto sHop 2 pUrchAse a pHoto alBum...

Coz lAst frii StePh went tO dEveLop all Of mY piICs n Was JuZ oNlii sHort of the PhoTo alBuM...

aFter We bAde eacH othEr gD bYes...

sTepH wAlkEd bAck Hm fRom ParkWay...

N on The wae...

@ the traffiiC lIiTe juNctiiON @ kAtoNg mAll...

sTepH saw gd Boii m Da Wei oN thEiir Wae to MaRinE pAraDe...

sTepH foUnd dAt gd Boii Had mAtuRed over tiiME le n LooKed More hAndsOme lIiaoz...

hOweva sad To saE...

hE wenT to cUt hiiS haiiR as ThoUgh hE iiS iiN the ArmY...

n Tiis SpoIil hiiS lOoks...

AniiWae we sTiill cHattEd 4 AwHiilE...

StePh was Reallii FanatiiC whEn iiT comes 2 ShoppIing...

Dat sTePh hAd red mArkS oN bOth My Arms bY the tIime Ii reacHEd hm...

b coz oF the StuFfS sTepH hAd bRougHt...

Iits WeiIGht were TrulY unBearaBle...