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Saturday, February 14, 2009

ThuRsDay shOppiinG

oN wed Niite after StePh reachEd hM fRom ParkWay...

StePh diin Speak mUch wiiF hEr pArents coZ thEy r angry wiiF me 4 stayIing oUt till So LAte iin 2 tHe nIite...

B4 goiing upstaiirs...

sTeph sAw a lEttEr fRom IsetaN iiSsuEd 2 me N ii bRouGht iIT upStaiiRs 2 My rooM...

ii ToRe opEn the EnveLop n Saw dat thEy had sEnt mE a LettEr askiiNg mE to cOllEct mY voUchers whiICh ii accUmUlatEd duRiing the LAst 6 mThs...

thUs yTd after wOrk...

StePh went straIight 2 pArkwAe pArade agaiiN iimmediiatelY 2 chAnge mY vouChers...

WalkEd roUnd mAnGo...

StePh diiN fancy anii StuFfs thEre...

sO ii HAd 2 kiip my voUchers 4 lTr use...

nExt ii Went to CoTtoN oN n bOughT 2 pAiiRs oF shOrts 4 $30.00...

StePh wiiLl cOntiiNue 2 bUy theiIR shOrts as well As Other clOthes agaiin when ii get mY pay 4 tiis mTh...


After ShoppIIng ard 4 sOme tiiME...

sTeph mAke a Quiick Viisiit to Poh Kim viiDeos n bOught tHe dVd 'My sAsSy ChUn HyAng' 4 $19.90...

B 4 goIIng to SembAwanG mUsic 2 Buy S.H.E.'s latest AlbUm 4 $12.90...

lAt stOp was To sTylE hAiR stUdio 2 fiiND gAvin N pAls...

sTepH stAyed There n We chaTted mErriiLy...

As They Diid nOt hV anii cUstoMers @ dat pOiiNT of Tiime...

ThuS they were abLe to chAt freeLy n Easiily wiIF stePh...


As 4 The ConTents OF sPeech...


Iits secRet bEtwEen The 3 oF us... ")

By 8 plUs pm...

They cLoseD the Shop...


VinCent n Gavin deN weNt to ParkwAy 2 pUrchAse fLoweRs n GiiFt 4 Vincent's Gf...

A romAntiic n mEtiicuLous gUy hE iis...

Hiis Gf mUz b Berii BlessEd 2 hV hIim bY hEr siIDe...


After sTrollIIng 4 a LiittlE whIile....

StePh BAde thEm gd Byes n weNT hM FIiRst wHiiLe gAviN accOmpAniied Vincent to ConTiinUe toUriiNG roUnd pArkwAy...


Coz VinCent saiID he wantEd to Buy anOther hamsTer 4 hiiS hOme...

HopEfullY he can FiinD oNe he liiKes...

Iin ConcLusiion...

Iit Was anOther lAte nIite bAcK...

N daddY sTarted HiiS nAggiiNgs oNce agaiiN...


21 yrs oLd oReadii sTiill Can'T hV freeDom siiA...

So sad...

sO unLyke of oTher TypICal chIild...


ii Wan My freeDom SoOoOnNnNnN!!!!

FaiIRy GodmOther n GuardiiAn anGel...

Pls gRant me tiis wiish n heLp me fulFiil Iit!!!

Ii wiiLl b TruLy gRatEfUl!!! >.<

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