StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

DrAmA sEriAls StePh WatChEd

Iif u GuyS hV bEeN fOllOwiiNg uP clOSely Iin mY blOg...

Iif u r oBserVant enUff...

u WiiLl nOtiiCe dat stePh actuAlly watchEd tiis shOW oNlii B coz of the partiiculAr actoRs n actresses...


sTepH watchEd them siiMply b coz ii fiind dat theiir actiings r berii gd...

thUs iiN cOnclUsiiOn...

StePh wiiLL cOntiiNue to SupPort them From Nw tiiLl the FutuRe...

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