StePh's LAtesT cOllEcTiioN to My bAg FamiiLy frOm PepPer Plus @ $28.00
Ytd afternOon...
After 6th uNclE had fetched stePh hm from theiir hse...
YvOnnE came @ ard 1.45 pm...
n we went to mY hse nEarbY coFfEeshOp 2 eat the famoUs wOntOn mEe b4 makiing a triiP doWn to QueenswAy shoppIing ctr bY buS 33...
Iit was a long riide but lucky ii n yvo spoke bOut tiiNks dat iinterests us tiill lastlY a Long nAggiiNG fRom HEr 4 nOt liisteniiNG to her iiN the pAst when she told stepH 2 retake mY o lvls weaker subjects...
when we reached queensway...
we went to the shoppiing ctr...
located The stall whiich she wAs suPposed to collEct sU zhEn's bdae present...
Iit was a sPorts kIind of Tee...
But @ the back of iit iimpriinted wiif her name 'Su zHEn' as well as the nUmber 21 iimplyiing her age...
after we had collEcted iit...
both steph n yVo could not resiist n made 1 for ourselves too...
steph chose a liime green siinglet wiif hot piink letters 4 my PriiNts...
when we had fiiniished our order n the uncle told us the date n tiime 4 collectiion whiich was tiis frii...
we walked dOwn 2 anchorpoint n looked ard...
b4 hoppIing on 2 another bus 33 to go to Tiong BahrU...
@ TionG bAhrU plAza we aliighted n agaiin went iin to hv a look...
fIinallY @ pEpper pLuS...
StePh bOught a blAck coloUred leather textured bag 4 $28.00 as shoWn above...
dEn we went to MOS bUrger 2 tk Our diinnEr...
we sat down n slacked as we ate our burgers...
By 6.30 pm...
we took bus 16 down 2 plaza SingapUra as StePh wanted to hv a peek @ the iinstiitute whiich ii wiill moStly liikelY b goiiNg to pursUe mY psycholoGy coUrse...
We went iin n took a booklet as well as a brochure on the cOurse layOut b4 enteriing PS 2 looK aRd...
Had actuallY wanted to enter agnes B to look @ theiir bags...
But yvO foRbiiD me to...
sayiing muz waiit tiill next tiime when ii got mY salary den can go iin c...
But b coz of stepH's liimiited budget...
ii Got aloT of tiiNks whiich ii c bUt @ the sAmE tiiME can't bUy...
sO yVo saiid dat tiis iis the best tiime to curb mY sPendiiNG desiiRes...
Frii ii m goiing to get mY salary n ii wiill b miitiing lena 2...
HopefullY on dat dae ii can bUy all The stuffS whiICh ii Want 4 the monTh of feb...
sIince we got nth to buy...
we took a bus 36 hm whiile yvo aliighted @ suntec ciTy 2 transfer another buS back to her hse...
ii on the other hand took all the wae to Parkway pArade b 4 walkiing back from kaTong LAksa...
Howeva b 4 ii went back...
stEph went straiight to viisiit gavin n colleagues...
But they were too bz prepariing theiir new shOp dat they diid noT hv the tiime to stOp n Entertaiin stePh...
bUt b4 ii left though...
Joseph iinViited me oVer to theiir nEw shOp opEniiNG ceremOnY bUffEt toDay...
ii m sad to sae 'soRrii' coz ii m woRkiing...
1st tiime stepH went 2 so manii shoppiing malls wiithiin a day!!!
Tiired... >.<
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