StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

MiTt uP wiiF lEnA

oN the sAme dae Wed...

aFter woRk...

StePh receiiVed an Sms fRom My anoTher pRi. scH Fren- LEnA...

ShE sAe to MiiT uP n ii AgrEed...

wE weNt to PArkWae pArade...

wEnt to gOldhEaRt jEwellEry n bOughT a bRacelet 4 mySelf 4 $254.00...

cOz stePh knEw a SalEs exEcuTiivE thEre...

tHus ii n He Chatted 4 awHiilE...

The bRacelEt was mAde froM 18 k whiITe golD...

N iiT was cOnsiiDeRed aS a B Dae giiFt fRom My mAteRnal graNdmA...


aFteR the chAt...

lEnA saiiD shE wanted to gO to CottOn On 2 trY oN a SkIirt...

bUt iin thE enD...

Diin hV hEr siiZe 4 dAt pArtiiCulAr cOloUr...

wE den ProCeedEd oN 2 SaSa n StePh bOughT EmPorIo aRmanI DiaMoNd pErFumE 4 $116.25...

OuR nExt StOp wAs 2 The FacEshOp n There agaiiN sTePh boUght aLl My pRoDucTs 4 $74.76...

As LenA wAntEd 2 buY hEr Hp aCcEssOriiEs...

wE weNt to MinI ToOns n fIinaLly eAcH oF Us bOughT oUr bEgiIniIng alPhAbEt of oUr cHristIan naMes 4 $3.95 EacH...

Ltr oN aFter oUr diinnEr @ the hawkEr...

We wenT baCK TO paRkwAe aGaiiN n @ iSetAn...

StePh saw a Tote bAg fRom BillAbOnG n bOughT iiT doWn iimmEdiiAteLy 4 $69.90...

Iit was BroWn iin ColOur n aS stePh sElDom hv Such cOloUrs...

sO as StEpH fiiNds iIT unIiquE...

tHus ii bOughT iiT dOWn...

tHE lAst stOp was to the pHoto sHop 2 pUrchAse a pHoto alBum...

Coz lAst frii StePh went tO dEveLop all Of mY piICs n Was JuZ oNlii sHort of the PhoTo alBuM...

aFter We bAde eacH othEr gD bYes...

sTepH wAlkEd bAck Hm fRom ParkWay...

N on The wae...

@ the traffiiC lIiTe juNctiiON @ kAtoNg mAll...

sTepH saw gd Boii m Da Wei oN thEiir Wae to MaRinE pAraDe...

sTepH foUnd dAt gd Boii Had mAtuRed over tiiME le n LooKed More hAndsOme lIiaoz...

hOweva sad To saE...

hE wenT to cUt hiiS haiiR as ThoUgh hE iiS iiN the ArmY...

n Tiis SpoIil hiiS lOoks...

AniiWae we sTiill cHattEd 4 AwHiilE...

StePh was Reallii FanatiiC whEn iiT comes 2 ShoppIing...

Dat sTePh hAd red mArkS oN bOth My Arms bY the tIime Ii reacHEd hm...

b coz oF the StuFfS sTepH hAd bRougHt...

Iits WeiIGht were TrulY unBearaBle...

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