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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ShaW's OpEn hSe

Shaw's had theiir oPen Hse...
Iit was held 4 2 days...
n StePh gOt the sAt schEduLe iinStead oF the suNdae...
ThoUgh iiT was bOriing haviing to Work oSo on A sAt...
But yEt @ the same tiiMe...
Iit's a bLessIing...
Coz @ least stEph niiD nOt wAke uP so EarlY...
uNlyke DuriiNG the Week dAys...
StePh's dUty starteD @ 10 Am...
wHeN ii weNt iiN 2 The scH...
All Was QuiiEt...
VerY feW pAreNts cAme 4 the Open hSe...
Thus as ii Got nTH 2 dO...
StePh jUz Iidle ard kiiLLiinG 'hSefliiEs' n 'mOsquiiToes'...
Ard nOon...
A few parents camE iiN n StEph chAttEd wiiF the chiiNEse teacHErs...
OccaSiiOnallY teAchiiNG dOng laO shi cOnvErsatiiOnal EngliiSh...
We had make a pact wiif 1 anOther...
She Wants me to giif her tuiitiioN duRiing weekeNds n as StePh niiDs $$$$ as Well...
So ii AgreeD...
rEallIi wAs a WateD trIip n bY 5.30 pm... thE pRiiNCiipAl saiID dat we Can lEave earlY iinSteAd oF the usUal 6 pm...
ii PackeD uP...
Changed my CLoTHeS...
N sTRoDE OfF happIilY 2 ah Ma Hse 2 fiiNd AllY 2 Play...
B coZ of the clAsh iiN tiiMiing wiif daDdy...
stePh cOuld nOt follOw hIim 2 the gyM 4 mY workoUts...
bUt lUckY...
ii nIid nOt go BacK on SunDay cOZ liAne (tghe pRiinCiiplE) saiid dat tiis mTh's oPen hse iis bAse On a SmallEr scAle...
Thus the mAnpOwEr of TeachErs niiD noT b So huGe... ")

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