yTd straiIGht afTer wOrk...
StePh wEnt pArkWae pAraDe AgAiiN...
Yes fOlkS...
U gUys DiiN read WroNglY...
Iits pArkWae pAradE agaiiN!!!
well aCtuallY tiiS iiS thE oNlii PlacE wHere StePh cAn go...
cOz iiTs the nEarest sHoppIinG cTr 4 sTePh 2 roaM...
ppL oWaes sae the Place a pErsoN goEs several TiimEs woUld sooN b boRed...
bUt ii m The cOmplEte oppOsiiTe n woUld lYke to bEg 2 diiFfer...
Iin Fact ii treat parkwae as My 2Nd hm...
thUs after wOrk...
Ii walKEd tO pArkwAe 2GethEr wiiF mS. Leo...
1 oF the seniiOr teacHErs @ shAws...
uSuallY hEr siis wiill cOme n Fetch hEr fRom scH @ 6.15 pm...
Howeva her siis had cor earliier ytd dat she woUld nOt b AblE to fEtcH her Hm...
sO mIiss Leo had to go back On her Own...
1st stOp @ PP wAs tO the PhOtoShOp 2 dEveLop sTepH's pIics FrOm My hP...
Coz 2 DevElOp...
iiT niiDs 2 Tk @ lEast an hr b4 ii Can go N cOllEct...
sO afTer PayiiNG n ChooSiiNg all The piICs ii HAd wAnted...
StePh accOmpAniiEd Miiss Leo 2 GiianT HypErmaRkEt to bUy sOme fruIiTs...
Den afteR pAyiiNG the $$$ to the cashiiEr...
We bAde each other gd byEs n went On oUr sepArate ways...
As stePh stiill Had sOme tiiME b4 the colLEctiiOn oF mY piICs...
ii went 2 77th StreeT 2 fiiND Cindy n we chiitEd chaTted 4 awhiile...
b 4 ii dEciiDed 2 gO n Buy mY tiiNks 4 My bDae pResEnt fRom My FavE gUy... ")
PassEd By tHe pRoMo sTall...
StEph StolE a GlaNce 2 c iiF hE iis iinsiiDe...
But sad tO sae...
iiTs eiiTher hE hAd gOne 4 hiiS diinnEr n hAd nOt reTurnEd On bOth OccasiiOns whiiCh sTeph had gonE 2 ChEck iiT oUt...
Iif Not iit would mOst pRobAbLy b Dat hE hAd tAken a Day's lEave...
He mUz hV 4goTtEn dat stePh wiill B goiiNg oVer 2 hiim yTd 2 pURchAse dat PresEnt...
StePh's mAternaL Grandma hAd giiVen mE 4350.00 2 bUy daT tiiNgy as a bDae GiiFt 4 mE...
ThOugh StEph's b dAe iiS oNly nExt mTh...
cOz tiiS iis Only a pRomO iiTeM iiN cOnjUncTiiOn 2 valenTinE's Day...
Thus the stall Only sells 1 n Only pIiece whiile stocK lasts...
Dats y sTePh waS sO anxiiOus bOut gettiing iit...
As StePh haD oreadii loSt 1 oF hEr fAvE stUff 2 aNoTher cUstOmEr whiiCh waS SoLd oFf bY hiiS collEaguE...
sO stePh muZ b moRe hard workiinG 2 gO there & fiind hiim ASAP!!!
SiinCe hE wasN'T thEre...
sTeph weNt 2 cOllEct hEr piiCs...
PaiiD $22.20 4 thEm n Went back hM...
Most pRob...
stePh wiill Rtn 2 parkWae agAiin nExt mOn...
Coz ii nIid to get a pHoto aLbuM as Well...
My pReseNt...
Next sat iiS ValenTinE's Day...
Whiich mEans 2 sae dat stePh oNlii has a Wk 2 get iit fRom Hiim b4 hiis pRomo stall Closesn by Dat TiimE...
he wiiLl b goiiNG bAck 2 hiis shOp agaiin bEiiNg a sEniioR reTaiill bUsiinEss ExecUtiiVe oNce mORe... ")
Wad A WasTed trIip iiT was Ytd!!! >_<
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