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Thursday, February 26, 2009

ReCenT TiiNks StePh BoUght

thEse R sOme oF the TiiNks whiICh sTePh had BeeN PuRchAsiiNG oN diIFf OccAsIiOns WhenEva Ii MakE a TrIip DoWn To ParkWaY...
LateLy ii Was dEepLy mEsmEriisEd bY the bOdy huGgiiNG texTures of the sHorts whiiCh StePh hAd triiEd oN @ cOttOn On...
Due 2 the hOt wEathEr iiN SinGapOre aS weLl as thE cUrrEnts TrenDs oF wEariiNG shOrts oUt...
sTePh hAs gOt iiN 2 the habIit of PurchAsiiNG shorts n nW iiN mY waRdRobE...
ii MiighT hv @ lEast 20 oVer pAiiRs of shORts maiiNly frOm MAnGo...
DoroThy pErkiNs...
2 the lateSt brAnd- CoTtoN oN...
nExt stOp whiICh sTePh wiiLl B gOiinG 2 buY wiiLl b @ OceaN pAciFiC (OP)...
cOz the shOrts fRom CoTtOn oN...
StePh has pUrchAsed them ALl 4 2 @ $30.00...
U mAy Cor mE cRazY sTePh 4 bUyiinG the sAme dEsiiGns wiF diiFf cOloUr...
But ii Juz CoulDn'T heLp iiT!!!

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