StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tiis iis StePh's BillaBong bag whiich ii had brought iit duriing the last shoppiing spree wiif Lena...


Smooth n soft leathery texture...

Berii Niice 2 toUCh...

Juz lUrve iits brown colOur matched wiif Black N whiite...

bErii natuRal n calmiiNG 2 oNe's eyes...

Juz dat the pRiice was quIite steeP...

OtheR den Dat...

Iits wOrth iit coZ stePh juZ luRves usiinG n cArrYiiNG biiG bags whiiCh can stoRe mAnii MAnii OF mY sTuffS!!!

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